Warrant, 7 March 1693 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Open prisone to Doctor Cockburne

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there Majesties privy Councill be Doctor John Cockburne Shewing That whereas the petitioner by there Lordships order put in closs prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh And his papers seized upon and bein searched be my Lord advocat and Lord Justice Clerk And nothing found amongst the same that can Inferr any cryme or misdemainour against him The petitioner therefore humbly craves Leave to represent to the saids Lords the great danger his Lyfe and health is in by this his closs restraint And that he is willing to find cautione for his appearance befor the saids Lords would be pleased to ordaine the petitioner to be set at Liberty upon his finding the said Cautione As the said petition bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione Given in to them be the above Doctor John Cockburne They hereby Give order and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to allow to the petitioner the benefite of open prisone They alwayes being ansuerable for his safe Custodie

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Open prisone to Doctor Cockburne

Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there Majesties privy Councill be Doctor John Cockburne Shewing That whereas the petitioner by there Lordships order put in closs prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh And his papers seized upon and bein searched be my Lord advocat and Lord Justice Clerk And nothing found amongst the same that can Inferr any cryme or misdemainour against him The petitioner therefore humbly craves Leave to represent to the saids Lords the great danger his Lyfe and health is in by this his closs restraint And that he is willing to find cautione for his appearance befor the saids Lords would be pleased to ordaine the petitioner to be set at Liberty upon his finding the said Cautione As the said petition bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione Given in to them be the above Doctor John Cockburne They hereby Give order and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of there tolbooth to allow to the petitioner the benefite of open prisone They alwayes being ansuerable for his safe Custodie

1. PC1/48, 628.

1. PC1/48, 628.