Edinburgh The Twentie Sixth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Act Robert Cunnnghame And Lowerance Oliphant.
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties Privy Councill be Robert Cunninghame toune Clerk of Kirkaldie and Laurance Oliphant Clerk of the regalitie of Dumferling his depute Shewing That quher by ane act of Parliament dated the fourtein day of June Jaj vjc Eightie six years It is Declared that the office of Clerkship to the Justice of peace is ane part of the secretaries office and any act formerly Impowering the Justice of peace to Choose their oun Clerk is therby expressly refunded And true It is that the said Robert Cunninghame haveing obtained ane gift from the secretar of state for the tyme of of2 the said Clerkship within the shyre of Fyfe and Kinross dated in Apprill Jaj vjc Eightie seven bearing power to him and his substituts dureing his lifetyme to exerce the same who formerly did so accordingly Lykeas the said Robert be his letters of Deputation in September last Jaj vjc nyntie two, substitute the said Lawrance his depute in the said office with power to him to officiat conforme to his gift therof Nevertheless the Justice of peace not haveing acted nor keeped any meetting since the revolution till of late, And the said Robert Cunninghame haveing granted a deputation to the said Laurance Oliphant he did attend the Justice of peace at their first meetting and desyred to be received And have the oathes administrat to him, And seing the petitioner are both allready qualified by takeing the oathes in other Capacities and ware attending to be admitted at the first meeting of the Justice of peace, And that they hade undoubted right to the office preferrable to any pretended Commissione frae the Justice of peace And Therfor Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to ordaine the Justice of peace to Continue the petitioner the said Robert Cuninghame his Lawfull possession be himself and his deputs and to administrat to the petitioners the oathes and to Discharge any persone pretending any right from the saids Justices of peace to trouble or molest them as the petition bears. The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the petition given in to them be the above Robert Cunningham and Laurance Oliphant with the gift and Commision mentioned therin and produced therwith Togither with a Counter petition be way of answer therto given in be the Justices of peace in the shyre of Fyfe and a testificat of the death of Fergus Neilsone late Baillie at St Monance alledged to have had a Commission from King Charles the second to be Clerk to the above Justices of peace whom the saids Lords allowed to have seen and answered this petitione The saids Lords have Continued and heirby Continues and ordaines the Justice of peace within the saids3 shyres of Fyfe and Kinross to Continue the said Robert Cuninghame in his Lawfull possession of the said office be himself and his deputes And appoints the saids Justices of peace to administrat the usuall and necessary oathes to the said Robert Cunninghame and Laurance Oliphant and Discharges any others to trouble or molest the petitioners in the said office And if need bees Ordaines letters to be direct heiron.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 170v-171v.
2. Sic.
3. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 170v-171v.
2. Sic.
3. Insertion.