Procedure, 16 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Earl of Annandale received a privie Councillour

The Earle of Annandale who by his majesties Letter of the thretty one of Januarij Last is nominate one of there majesties privie Councill being called in Did swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance And signed the assureance appointed by act of parliament And the Lord High Chancellour did administrate to him the oath de fideli And the said Earle of Annandale wes receaved a Councillour Conforme to the above Letter And took his place according

Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth Day off Februarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Earl of Annandale received a privie Councillour

The Earle of Annandale who by his majesties Letter of the thretty one of Januarij Last is nominate one of there majesties privie Councill being called in Did swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance And signed the assureance appointed by act of parliament And the Lord High Chancellour did administrate to him the oath de fideli And the said Earle of Annandale wes receaved a Councillour Conforme to the above Letter And took his place according

1. PC1/48, 596.

1. PC1/48, 596.