Letter: from the council, 28 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie Eight day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Councell To The Earle of Marishall

My Lord
yours of the fourth Instant direct to the Duke of Hamiltone ues by his Grace Communicated to the Board But the Lords of Councell Considering the house of Dunnottar to be of that Importance that it should in this Juncture be secured by a Garrisone for defence of the Country They have thought fitt to signifie to yow That It is their pleasure That the House be made Immediatly patent for receaving of the garrisone ordored by Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this kingdome for that effect If yow think fitt to Continow therin uith the garrisone They dowbt not but as the Garrisone uill Carry uith all due respect to yow so yow uill Give ordor that they may be uell accommodated And have the ordoring and Commanding of the Cannone and all other things that belong to the defence of the place And uith this their pleasure they expect your ready Complyance alse uell for your owne Intrest and that of the safetie of the kingdome as for preventing the trowble to yourself of a more perremptor charge Signed in name and att Command of the Councell By your Lordships most humble servant sic subscribitur Tueeddall Cancell Directed on the back thus To the Earle of Marishall

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie Eight day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Councell To The Earle of Marishall

My Lord
yours of the fourth Instant direct to the Duke of Hamiltone ues by his Grace Communicated to the Board But the Lords of Councell Considering the house of Dunnottar to be of that Importance that it should in this Juncture be secured by a Garrisone for defence of the Country They have thought fitt to signifie to yow That It is their pleasure That the House be made Immediatly patent for receaving of the garrisone ordored by Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this kingdome for that effect If yow think fitt to Continow therin uith the garrisone They dowbt not but as the Garrisone uill Carry uith all due respect to yow so yow uill Give ordor that they may be uell accommodated And have the ordoring and Commanding of the Cannone and all other things that belong to the defence of the place And uith this their pleasure they expect your ready Complyance alse uell for your owne Intrest and that of the safetie of the kingdome as for preventing the trowble to yourself of a more perremptor charge Signed in name and att Command of the Councell By your Lordships most humble servant sic subscribitur Tueeddall Cancell Directed on the back thus To the Earle of Marishall

1. NRS, PC1/49, 97.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 97.