Order, 3 March 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Third Day of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Four Companyes of traind bands to be on, and Nether Bow to be keept open

The Councill Haveing called the magistrates of Edinburgh to the barr They ordained the saids magistrates to keep Four Companyes of the toun2 trained bands upon guaird each night for some tyme And that the maisters of familyes doe attend the guairds themselves and no servants be admitted for them And that one Company keep guaird at the Nether Bow Ane other at the toun guaird house A third at the toun councill house And a fourth at the magdalen chaple And appoynted the magistrates to keep open the port at the Nether Bow alswell by night as by day till the hazard of this tumult be over.

Att Edinburgh the Third Day of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years



Four Companyes of traind bands to be on, and Nether Bow to be keept open

The Councill Haveing called the magistrates of Edinburgh to the barr They ordained the saids magistrates to keep Four Companyes of the toun2 trained bands upon guaird each night for some tyme And that the maisters of familyes doe attend the guairds themselves and no servants be admitted for them And that one Company keep guaird at the Nether Bow Ane other at the toun guaird house A third at the toun councill house And a fourth at the magdalen chaple And appoynted the magistrates to keep open the port at the Nether Bow alswell by night as by day till the hazard of this tumult be over.

1. PC1/48, 616-17.

2. The letters ‘gu’ scored out here.

1. PC1/48, 616-17.

2. The letters ‘gu’ scored out here.