Att Edinburgh the fifth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie three years1
Proclamatione Indemnifying deserters
The following proclamatione being redd and approven was ordored to be recorded quherof the tenor folloues
William and Mary By the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittane France and Ireland defenders of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councell or messengers at armes our shirreffs in that part conjunctlly and severally Specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas ue understand that a Great many souldiers of the forces presently under our pay and in our service uithin this our antient kingdome and abroad Have deserted their collours and doe skulk and hyde themselves in obscure places being affraid to return to our service out of dred of that Justly deserved punishment due to deserters by the severity of military Laues For remeid wherof and that all souldiers who have deserted as said is may be Inexcusable and receave that condigne punishment due to deserters by the military Laues In case they shall not Give punctuall obedience to this present proclamatione Therfore ue uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell Doe heirby perromptorly requyre and Command all souldiers uithin this our antient kingdome who have been in our service and under our pay in any of the regiments troups or Companies now in our service uithin this our antient kingdome or furth therof who have not left the same upon a pass granted to them by their Captaine or other superior officer to returne to our service and present themselves to the commander in cheiff or any Commissionat officer of our forces uithin our said kingdome And ue uith advyce forsaid pardon and Indemnify them and everie one of them who shall returne and present themselves In manner forsaid uithin two monthes after the date heirof Certifying all such who shall not returne and accept and take the benefite of this our gracious Indemnity uithin the space forsaid that they shall be treated as deserters when and wherever they shall be seized on uithout mercy And ue uith advyce forsaid requyre and Command all magistrats and ministers of the Law uithin this our realme to Concurr uith and be assisting to the officers of our forces and such as shall be Imployed by them In seasing and securing the persones of all such deserters (In manner specifiet in the former proclamationes) as shall not accept of the benefite of this Indemnity uithin the space abovewryten Our uill is herfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the whole head burghs uithin this kingdome and ther by open proclamatione make publicatione heirof that none may pretend Ignorance And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the fifth day of Apryle and of our reigne the fourth year l693 sic subscribitur Tueeddal Cancell: Linlithgow Leven Forfar Breadalbane Tarbat Cardross Carmichaell James Stewart Adam Cockburne
1. NRS, PC1/49, 6.
2. NRS, PC1/49, 6-7.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 6.
2. NRS, PC1/49, 6-7.