Att Edinburgh the Seventh day of March Jaj vjc and nyntie three years ante meridiem
Act Laird of Grant
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of there majesties privie Councill be Ludovick Grant of that ilk Shewing That where the Highlanders and others who were in armes and in rebellione againest ther Government haveing comitted severall depredationes upon the petitioners Lands of Strathspey yet in respect that the said petitioner hade some of his rents payed to him by the tennents of the saids Lands He did still make payment to the respective collectors of the Cess due and payable for them But the saids Highlanders and others Haveing intirely ruined and Laid waist the petitioners Lands of Urquhart They haveing carryed alongst with them the rebell victuall and cattell which did belong aither to the petitioner or his tennents in the saids Lands The petitioner did formerly make application to the saids Lords And did crave to be exeemed from payment of Cess for his interest in Urquhart In respect The petitioner hade received no payment of any pairt of the rent thereof And whereupon there Lordships by there act daitted the tuenty nynth day of March last bypast were pleased to discharge any execution to be used for payment of the said Cess by quartering or otherwayes untill the first of Jullij Last But the petitioner being Informed That the Collector of the Shyre of Inverness hes now ordered ane pairty to quarter on the petitioner for not paying of the Current Cess of the saids Lands The petitioner is therefore again necessitate to represent to the saids Lords That it is hard to make him pay the said Cess Sieing for these four years past the petitioner hes not receaved on six pence of his rent By reasone of the forsaid depredatione which wes Committed upon no other accompt But that the petitioner hade affectione to there majesties government And wes Imployed on there Majesties service And for evinceing to the saids Lords That the petitioner nether hes receaved his rent nor any pairt thereof since the Comitting of the forsaid depredatione which wes about Four years agoe The petitioner did this last year grant new tacks to the tennents And did freely dispence with in there favours this current years Rent And sieing upon ane former representatione ane order dischargeing quartering for the Cess of the saids Lands Therefore Humbly Craveing That there Lordships would be pleased to take the premises to there Consideratione And in respect that the petitioners Lands of Urquhart are utterly Laid waist by these who were in rebellione And that the petitioner hes not for these four years past receaved ane six pence of his rent nor hes not as yet receaved any reparatione otherwayes Therefore to dispence with the petitioners paying of any cess for these Lands for this current year and preceedings since the year Jaj vjc Eightie Eight The petitioner not being to receave any pairt of his rent from the tennents for this cropt And he being willing in all tyme comeing to pay the ordinary cess And in case any pairtyes be alreadie quartering for the Same To ordaine them Instantly to be removed without exacting any thing upon the accompt of deficiencie As the said petitione bears The Saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill haveing considered this petitione given in to them be the above Laird of Grant with the act of Councill mentioned therein and produced therewith They hereby discharge any quartering or other executione to be used againest the petitioner or his tennents for payment of the Cess of the above Lands of Urquhart for this Current year and preceedings since the Jaj vjc Eightie Eight untill further order from there Lordships And if there be any pairtyes already quartered ordaines them Instantly to be removed without exacting any thing upon the account of deficiencie And appoints the petitioner to give in to the Councill a particular condescendence of the Cess of the saids Lands of Urquhart for this current year according to the valuatione of the shyre where these Lands Lye That they may consider what further order to give thereanent
1. PC1/48, 625-6.
1. PC1/48, 625-6.