Proclamation, 22 December 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Proclamatione For better Inbringing their Majesties excyse

The proclamatione after insert Being redd was votted approven and signed and ordored to be recorded quherof the tenor folloues
William and Mary By the Grace of God King and Queen of great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith To [..] Macers of our privie Councell messengers at Armes our shirreffs in that pairt conjunctlly and severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by the third Act fourth sessione of our Currant parliament ue uith advyce and Consent of the estates of parliament Did Impose and ordaine ane additionall excyse of three pennies upon the pynte of ale and Beer brouen and to be vended and sold uithin this kingdome and tuo shilline upon the pynte of aquavitie and strong waters made of malt or otherwayes as in the said Act and did sett doune and appoynte certaine methods and rules for Levying raising and uplifting the same In manner mentioned in the said Act And ue uith advyce and Consent forsaid Did authorize and Impoure the Lords of our privie Counsell to prescribe such other methods and ordors as they should Judge necessar for making the said Act effectuall And ue Considering the Great hinderance the tacksemen of our said additionall excyse meet uith in the severall shyres for uplifting the saids three pennies and tuo shilline of excyse Imposed in manner forsaid By the not meeting of the Commissioners of supply dewly and frequently to determine all differences betueen the breuars and tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors And for want of ordorly and tymous Enteries by the brewars of all Liquors brouen by them lyable to the said Excyse quherthrough great Losses and prejudice doeth arrise to that Branch of the supply granted to us therby For Remeid wherof we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell strictly Requyre and Command the whole Commissioners of Supply in all the shyres uithin this kingdome qualified according to Law and who by the said Act of parliament are appoynted Commissioners of the said additionall excyse To meet at the head burghs of their respective shires at the dayes respective follouing viz These on this syde of the river of Tay upon the second teusday of January nixt and these on the other syde of the river of Tay upon the third teusday of the said month And at their meetings to setle and appoynte places such as they shall find most convenient wher publict excyse offices shall be keeped for the Brewers to Enter and Give up the quantaties of the Liquors brouen by them Lyable in payment of the said excyse And appoyntes the saids2 Commissioners Immediatly after designing the places for the saids offices To Cause make publict Intimatione at all the Church doors uithin the saids respective shires of the particular places by them designed for the severall excyse offices uith Certificatione to the saids Commissioners or any of them residing uithin the saids respective shyres who shall faillzie to meet at the saids dayes respective above sett doune And to appoynte and designe the particular places for Excyse offices in manner above exprest They shall be and heirby are fyned each of them in the soume of ane Hundred pounds scotts for the said absence to be charged for on a simple charge of six dayes and uplifted by the Collectors of supply of the respective shires For which effect Letters are Heirby authorized to be directed at the Instance of the saids Collectors Against them And appoyntes the Clark to the saids Commissioners to send a List of the saids Commissioners as shall be absent at the saids tuo dyets Imediatly after elapsing of these dyets dewly subscribed be him to the saids Collectors under the paine of deprivatione And the Collectors are to be Comptable for the saids fynes to the Justices of peace in the severall shires to be applyed by them for the repairing of bridges and highwayes uithin ther respective bounds as they shall see cause And ue uith advyce forsaid Requyre and Command the saids Commissioners to subdivyde themselves so as ther may be at Least tuo (who are Heirby declared to be a quorum) to meet and be present at each office upon the dayes respective following viz These upon this syde of Tay upon the third teusday of the said month of January nixt And these upon the other syde of the said river upon the fourth teusday of the said month for the first dyet And ue uith advyce forsaid Requyre and Command the whole breuars uithin the bounds alloted for the saids respective offices to attend and uaite upon the saids respective Commissioners at the offices particularly to be appoynted by them upon the dayes above exprest uithout any farder Intimatione charge or citatione to be Given to them by the saids tacksemen subtacksemen or Collectors of the said additionall excyse But the publicatione heirof allenarly In manner after mentioned And ther to give in and make and the Commissioners to receave from them faithfull and full enteries of all Liquors brouen uithin the saids bounds lyable in payment of the said additionall excyse for the months of June July Agust September october and november last and december Currant And because the Breuars For uant of tymous Intimatione for the saids months of June July and Agust may pretend that they Cannot Give their oaths if requyred upon the precise quantatie of their breuing the saids months They are therfore Heirby alloued to Give their oaths in these termes That their said breuing Hath not exceeded such a quantaty which is Heirby held as sufficient to make them lyable for the same And sicklyke that the saids Commissioners meet and the saids breuars attend them at the saids respective offices uithout any farder Intimatione charge or citatione but what is above exprest the first teusday of every month during the Continwance of the said additionall excyse for making and receaving in the enteries of all Liquors brouen uithin the saids bounds lyable to the said excyse for the preceeding month And to Judge in all matters relating aither to the said additionall excyse or to the excyse formerly Imposed upon mault and annexed to our Croune betuixt the brewars and our tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors with Certificatione to such of the saids breuars who shall not Compear and attend the saids dyets respective above mentioned They shall be holden as confest and decreits Given against them for the quantaties of Liquor to the forsaid additionall excyse which shall be contained in the Claims or Complaints to be Given in by the tacksemen and subcollectors Against them And that at the first meeting upon the subsequent month after the respective breuars their absence and faillzie To make a dew Enterie upon the first teusday of the preceeding month And in case the Enterie of any breuar shall be disproven Then they shall be lyable in payment of such a fyne as the Commissioners or other Judges afternamed shall Impose not exceeding the dowble of what liquor shall be concealled And all executione Competent shall be made use of by our tacksemen subtacksemen and Collectors against the respective brewars for the same And in case the saids Commissioners or at least tuo of them shall faillzie to meet and attend the saids respective offices the saids thrid and fourth teusdayes respective of January nixt or upon the first teusday of any subsequent month during the Continuance of the said additionall excyse the whole divisione and each of them shall be Lyable in the fyne of tuenty pounds scotts a peice toties quoties to be uplifted and applyed in manner as the other fynes above mentioned And after Instruments taken against them of their faillzie to meet and attend as said is ue uith advyce forsaid the shirreffs and their deputes or such as the shirreffs shall substitut at each particular dyet for that effect allenarly to repaire to the saids respective offices uithin tuenty four houres after they shall be desyred by the tacksemen aither of annexed or additionall excyse their subtacksmen or Collectors ther sumarly to Judge on what occurrs uithin the bounds of that office In reference to the said annexed or additionall excyse Certifying the saids shirreffs their deputes or substituts if they faillzie they shall be punished as the Lords of our privy Councell shall think fitt And furder ue uith advyce forsaid prohibite and discharge any of the Commissioners of supply or other Inferior Judges or officers of the Law uithin this our realme to stopp or hinder aither quartering poynding or any other laufull executione that shall be used by our tacksemen their subtacksemene and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall excyse Against the respective breuars Conforme to the Enteries that shall be made by them or According to the quantaties of Liquor quherupon they shall be holden as Confest In manner and before the Judges above mentioned under the paine of being not only lyable for the charges and damnages our saids tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors shall sustaine and Incurr ther through but also to such further paines as the Lords of our privie Councell shall think fitt Our will is Hierfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires uithin this Kingdome and of the steuartries of Kirkcudbright Annandale and Orknay And ther in our name and authoritie make publicatione heirof that none may pretend ignorance And ordaines our sollicitor to Cause send printed Coppies heirof to the shirreffs of the severall shires and steuarts of the steuartries forsaids whom and their said Clark we ordaine the same published and Coppies therof affixed at the saids mercat crosses And appoyntes them to send dowbles therof to all Ministers both in Churches and meeting houses uithin their respective Jurisdictiones That upon the Lords day Immediatly preceeding the saids third and fourth teusdays of January nixt The same may be Intimat at and redd in every paroch church and meeting House And a Coppie of the same affixed upon the most publict door therof And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuenty second day of December and of our Reign the fifth year 1693 sic subscribitur ut sederunt

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Proclamatione For better Inbringing their Majesties excyse

The proclamatione after insert Being redd was votted approven and signed and ordored to be recorded quherof the tenor folloues
William and Mary By the Grace of God King and Queen of great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith To [..] Macers of our privie Councell messengers at Armes our shirreffs in that pairt conjunctlly and severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by the third Act fourth sessione of our Currant parliament ue uith advyce and Consent of the estates of parliament Did Impose and ordaine ane additionall excyse of three pennies upon the pynte of ale and Beer brouen and to be vended and sold uithin this kingdome and tuo shilline upon the pynte of aquavitie and strong waters made of malt or otherwayes as in the said Act and did sett doune and appoynte certaine methods and rules for Levying raising and uplifting the same In manner mentioned in the said Act And ue uith advyce and Consent forsaid Did authorize and Impoure the Lords of our privie Counsell to prescribe such other methods and ordors as they should Judge necessar for making the said Act effectuall And ue Considering the Great hinderance the tacksemen of our said additionall excyse meet uith in the severall shyres for uplifting the saids three pennies and tuo shilline of excyse Imposed in manner forsaid By the not meeting of the Commissioners of supply dewly and frequently to determine all differences betueen the breuars and tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors And for want of ordorly and tymous Enteries by the brewars of all Liquors brouen by them lyable to the said Excyse quherthrough great Losses and prejudice doeth arrise to that Branch of the supply granted to us therby For Remeid wherof we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell strictly Requyre and Command the whole Commissioners of Supply in all the shyres uithin this kingdome qualified according to Law and who by the said Act of parliament are appoynted Commissioners of the said additionall excyse To meet at the head burghs of their respective shires at the dayes respective follouing viz These on this syde of the river of Tay upon the second teusday of January nixt and these on the other syde of the river of Tay upon the third teusday of the said month And at their meetings to setle and appoynte places such as they shall find most convenient wher publict excyse offices shall be keeped for the Brewers to Enter and Give up the quantaties of the Liquors brouen by them Lyable in payment of the said excyse And appoyntes the saids2 Commissioners Immediatly after designing the places for the saids offices To Cause make publict Intimatione at all the Church doors uithin the saids respective shires of the particular places by them designed for the severall excyse offices uith Certificatione to the saids Commissioners or any of them residing uithin the saids respective shyres who shall faillzie to meet at the saids dayes respective above sett doune And to appoynte and designe the particular places for Excyse offices in manner above exprest They shall be and heirby are fyned each of them in the soume of ane Hundred pounds scotts for the said absence to be charged for on a simple charge of six dayes and uplifted by the Collectors of supply of the respective shires For which effect Letters are Heirby authorized to be directed at the Instance of the saids Collectors Against them And appoyntes the Clark to the saids Commissioners to send a List of the saids Commissioners as shall be absent at the saids tuo dyets Imediatly after elapsing of these dyets dewly subscribed be him to the saids Collectors under the paine of deprivatione And the Collectors are to be Comptable for the saids fynes to the Justices of peace in the severall shires to be applyed by them for the repairing of bridges and highwayes uithin ther respective bounds as they shall see cause And ue uith advyce forsaid Requyre and Command the saids Commissioners to subdivyde themselves so as ther may be at Least tuo (who are Heirby declared to be a quorum) to meet and be present at each office upon the dayes respective following viz These upon this syde of Tay upon the third teusday of the said month of January nixt And these upon the other syde of the said river upon the fourth teusday of the said month for the first dyet And ue uith advyce forsaid Requyre and Command the whole breuars uithin the bounds alloted for the saids respective offices to attend and uaite upon the saids respective Commissioners at the offices particularly to be appoynted by them upon the dayes above exprest uithout any farder Intimatione charge or citatione to be Given to them by the saids tacksemen subtacksemen or Collectors of the said additionall excyse But the publicatione heirof allenarly In manner after mentioned And ther to give in and make and the Commissioners to receave from them faithfull and full enteries of all Liquors brouen uithin the saids bounds lyable in payment of the said additionall excyse for the months of June July Agust September october and november last and december Currant And because the Breuars For uant of tymous Intimatione for the saids months of June July and Agust may pretend that they Cannot Give their oaths if requyred upon the precise quantatie of their breuing the saids months They are therfore Heirby alloued to Give their oaths in these termes That their said breuing Hath not exceeded such a quantaty which is Heirby held as sufficient to make them lyable for the same And sicklyke that the saids Commissioners meet and the saids breuars attend them at the saids respective offices uithout any farder Intimatione charge or citatione but what is above exprest the first teusday of every month during the Continwance of the said additionall excyse for making and receaving in the enteries of all Liquors brouen uithin the saids bounds lyable to the said excyse for the preceeding month And to Judge in all matters relating aither to the said additionall excyse or to the excyse formerly Imposed upon mault and annexed to our Croune betuixt the brewars and our tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors with Certificatione to such of the saids breuars who shall not Compear and attend the saids dyets respective above mentioned They shall be holden as confest and decreits Given against them for the quantaties of Liquor to the forsaid additionall excyse which shall be contained in the Claims or Complaints to be Given in by the tacksemen and subcollectors Against them And that at the first meeting upon the subsequent month after the respective breuars their absence and faillzie To make a dew Enterie upon the first teusday of the preceeding month And in case the Enterie of any breuar shall be disproven Then they shall be lyable in payment of such a fyne as the Commissioners or other Judges afternamed shall Impose not exceeding the dowble of what liquor shall be concealled And all executione Competent shall be made use of by our tacksemen subtacksemen and Collectors against the respective brewars for the same And in case the saids Commissioners or at least tuo of them shall faillzie to meet and attend the saids respective offices the saids thrid and fourth teusdayes respective of January nixt or upon the first teusday of any subsequent month during the Continuance of the said additionall excyse the whole divisione and each of them shall be Lyable in the fyne of tuenty pounds scotts a peice toties quoties to be uplifted and applyed in manner as the other fynes above mentioned And after Instruments taken against them of their faillzie to meet and attend as said is ue uith advyce forsaid the shirreffs and their deputes or such as the shirreffs shall substitut at each particular dyet for that effect allenarly to repaire to the saids respective offices uithin tuenty four houres after they shall be desyred by the tacksemen aither of annexed or additionall excyse their subtacksmen or Collectors ther sumarly to Judge on what occurrs uithin the bounds of that office In reference to the said annexed or additionall excyse Certifying the saids shirreffs their deputes or substituts if they faillzie they shall be punished as the Lords of our privy Councell shall think fitt And furder ue uith advyce forsaid prohibite and discharge any of the Commissioners of supply or other Inferior Judges or officers of the Law uithin this our realme to stopp or hinder aither quartering poynding or any other laufull executione that shall be used by our tacksemen their subtacksemene and Collectors of the said annexed or additionall excyse Against the respective breuars Conforme to the Enteries that shall be made by them or According to the quantaties of Liquor quherupon they shall be holden as Confest In manner and before the Judges above mentioned under the paine of being not only lyable for the charges and damnages our saids tacksemen their subtacksemen and Collectors shall sustaine and Incurr ther through but also to such further paines as the Lords of our privie Councell shall think fitt Our will is Hierfore And ue Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall shires uithin this Kingdome and of the steuartries of Kirkcudbright Annandale and Orknay And ther in our name and authoritie make publicatione heirof that none may pretend ignorance And ordaines our sollicitor to Cause send printed Coppies heirof to the shirreffs of the severall shires and steuarts of the steuartries forsaids whom and their said Clark we ordaine the same published and Coppies therof affixed at the saids mercat crosses And appoyntes them to send dowbles therof to all Ministers both in Churches and meeting houses uithin their respective Jurisdictiones That upon the Lords day Immediatly preceeding the saids third and fourth teusdays of January nixt The same may be Intimat at and redd in every paroch church and meeting House And a Coppie of the same affixed upon the most publict door therof And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuenty second day of December and of our Reign the fifth year 1693 sic subscribitur ut sederunt

1. NRS, PC1/49, 202-6.

2. Marginal insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 202-6.

2. Marginal insertion.