Decreet, 28 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Decreet of Deprivation There Majesties Advocat against Doctor Gairdines

Anent the Lybell raised and persewed befor the Lords of there majesties privie Councill at the instance of Sir2 James Stewart there majesties advocat for there highnes interest in the matter underwreitten Mentioneing That where albeit by the Law of God and the principles and constitutiones of every well governed natione all persones are bound to give due obedience to and wish well and pray for such To whom they owe Just obedience and true alleadgeance As there Soveraigne Especially who have been the Glorious Instruments of there delyverie from the thralldome of popery and the pernicious Inconvenviencies that accompany ane arbitrarie power And by the municipall Constitutiones of this Realme all the subejcts thereof are Engadged to pray for there Lawfull soveraignes And particularly by ane act of the meeting of the Estates the thretteinth day of Apryll Jaj vjc and Eighty nyne years All ministers who are in any eminent maner obleidged to discharge that duety are thereby expressly commanded to read the proclamatione of that dait and publictly to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this realme upon the dayes thereinmentioned under the pain of being depryved Losseing of there benefice And by the same proclamatione all there majesties Leedges are certifyed That they presume not to oune the Late King James the seventh for there King or presume upon there highest perrill, by word wreitting in sermone or any other maner of way to Impugne or dissoune there Majesties as King and Queen of Scotland And by the threttie fyfth act second session of there Majestyes current parliament The said proclamatione and act of the Estates of this Kingdome are ordained to be put to farder executione againest all such ministers who have not as yet given obedience thereto By praying for there majesties in maner forsaid And the Lords of privie Councill are to proceed therein And by diverse and sundry proclamationes of Councill There are particular dayes of thanksgiving and fasting appoynted And all the ministers of this are expressly requyred to keep and observe the Same Nevertheless Doctor George Gairdine minister at Aberdeen albeit he Continowes constantly to preach yet he hes not prayed for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme nether by there names nor in such Circumstantiat termes as his hearers might have knowed That he prayed for there saids majesties And he hes been so farr from evidenceing the sence he ought to have hade of there majesties preserveing and releeving this natione from the grievous Circumstances which it did Lye under That when the proclamatione of the Estates wes sent to him At least came to his hands of which he hade knowledge Instead of testifyeing his gratitude in giveing due obedience thereto nether at the dayes appoynted nor at any tyme since syne did he read any of the saids proclamationes for thanksgiveing albeit they were delyvered to him But on the contrair And in contempt of those proclamationes He actually continowes to preach since syne both in his oune paroch church and others without praying for ther majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme Thereby stirring up and fomenting dissaffectione in his hearers to there majesties government Encouradgeing ther majesties Enemies and discourageing there Loyall subjects sometymes praying for the Late King James aither expressly or in ambiguous and Circumstantiat termes off all which crymes The said Doctor George Gairdine is guilty And ought and should not only3 be depryved Bot should be punished in his persone and goods to the terror of others to comitt the Lyke in tyme comeing And Anent the Charge Given to the said defender To have Compeared before the saids Lords of privie Councill this day and place To ansuer to the grounds of the above wreitten complaint And to hear and see such order and course taken thereanent As the saids Lords shall think fitt under the pain of rebellione and putting of him to the horne with certificatione to him If he failzies he should be denunced rebell and There majesties other Letters should be direct for putting him thereto simpliciter As the said Lybell and executione bears. Which Lybell Being this day Called In presence of the saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill And There majesties advocat Compearing personally as persewer for there highnes interest And the said defender Compearing also personally who declared That in his prayes he4 prayed so as he might be understood to pray for King William and Queen Mary when he prayed But that he is not free to pray for King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme And There majesties advocat haveing declared he wes content yet to allow the Doctor a tyme to consider whether he would for the future Engadge to pray for there saids majesties as King and Queen forsaid If he would desyre that favour from the Councill The Doctor declyned to desyre the forsaid favour And therefore The Saids Lords doe hereby Depryve the said Doctor George Gairdine of his benefice at his kirk of Aberdeen And declares the said kirk vacant And discharges the said Doctor from preaching or exerciseing any pairt of the ministeriall functione within this Kingdome untill he first qualifye himself according to Law And ordaines him to remove from his manse and gleib at whitsonday next And discharges him to Labour the gleib in tyme comeing And ordaines Letters of horning on Fyfteen dayes and others neadfull Informe as effeirs

Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Eight day of Februarij Jaj vjc nynty three years



Decreet of Deprivation There Majesties Advocat against Doctor Gairdines

Anent the Lybell raised and persewed befor the Lords of there majesties privie Councill at the instance of Sir2 James Stewart there majesties advocat for there highnes interest in the matter underwreitten Mentioneing That where albeit by the Law of God and the principles and constitutiones of every well governed natione all persones are bound to give due obedience to and wish well and pray for such To whom they owe Just obedience and true alleadgeance As there Soveraigne Especially who have been the Glorious Instruments of there delyverie from the thralldome of popery and the pernicious Inconvenviencies that accompany ane arbitrarie power And by the municipall Constitutiones of this Realme all the subejcts thereof are Engadged to pray for there Lawfull soveraignes And particularly by ane act of the meeting of the Estates the thretteinth day of Apryll Jaj vjc and Eighty nyne years All ministers who are in any eminent maner obleidged to discharge that duety are thereby expressly commanded to read the proclamatione of that dait and publictly to pray for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this realme upon the dayes thereinmentioned under the pain of being depryved Losseing of there benefice And by the same proclamatione all there majesties Leedges are certifyed That they presume not to oune the Late King James the seventh for there King or presume upon there highest perrill, by word wreitting in sermone or any other maner of way to Impugne or dissoune there Majesties as King and Queen of Scotland And by the threttie fyfth act second session of there Majestyes current parliament The said proclamatione and act of the Estates of this Kingdome are ordained to be put to farder executione againest all such ministers who have not as yet given obedience thereto By praying for there majesties in maner forsaid And the Lords of privie Councill are to proceed therein And by diverse and sundry proclamationes of Councill There are particular dayes of thanksgiving and fasting appoynted And all the ministers of this are expressly requyred to keep and observe the Same Nevertheless Doctor George Gairdine minister at Aberdeen albeit he Continowes constantly to preach yet he hes not prayed for there majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme nether by there names nor in such Circumstantiat termes as his hearers might have knowed That he prayed for there saids majesties And he hes been so farr from evidenceing the sence he ought to have hade of there majesties preserveing and releeving this natione from the grievous Circumstances which it did Lye under That when the proclamatione of the Estates wes sent to him At least came to his hands of which he hade knowledge Instead of testifyeing his gratitude in giveing due obedience thereto nether at the dayes appoynted nor at any tyme since syne did he read any of the saids proclamationes for thanksgiveing albeit they were delyvered to him But on the contrair And in contempt of those proclamationes He actually continowes to preach since syne both in his oune paroch church and others without praying for ther majesties King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme Thereby stirring up and fomenting dissaffectione in his hearers to there majesties government Encouradgeing ther majesties Enemies and discourageing there Loyall subjects sometymes praying for the Late King James aither expressly or in ambiguous and Circumstantiat termes off all which crymes The said Doctor George Gairdine is guilty And ought and should not only3 be depryved Bot should be punished in his persone and goods to the terror of others to comitt the Lyke in tyme comeing And Anent the Charge Given to the said defender To have Compeared before the saids Lords of privie Councill this day and place To ansuer to the grounds of the above wreitten complaint And to hear and see such order and course taken thereanent As the saids Lords shall think fitt under the pain of rebellione and putting of him to the horne with certificatione to him If he failzies he should be denunced rebell and There majesties other Letters should be direct for putting him thereto simpliciter As the said Lybell and executione bears. Which Lybell Being this day Called In presence of the saids Lords of there Majesties privie Councill And There majesties advocat Compearing personally as persewer for there highnes interest And the said defender Compearing also personally who declared That in his prayes he4 prayed so as he might be understood to pray for King William and Queen Mary when he prayed But that he is not free to pray for King William and Queen Mary as King and Queen of this Realme And There majesties advocat haveing declared he wes content yet to allow the Doctor a tyme to consider whether he would for the future Engadge to pray for there saids majesties as King and Queen forsaid If he would desyre that favour from the Councill The Doctor declyned to desyre the forsaid favour And therefore The Saids Lords doe hereby Depryve the said Doctor George Gairdine of his benefice at his kirk of Aberdeen And declares the said kirk vacant And discharges the said Doctor from preaching or exerciseing any pairt of the ministeriall functione within this Kingdome untill he first qualifye himself according to Law And ordaines him to remove from his manse and gleib at whitsonday next And discharges him to Labour the gleib in tyme comeing And ordaines Letters of horning on Fyfteen dayes and others neadfull Informe as effeirs

1. PC1/48, 612-14.

2. The letter ‘W’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘not only’ have been inserted above the line.

4. The word ‘used’ scored out here.

1. PC1/48, 612-14.

2. The letter ‘W’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘not only’ have been inserted above the line.

4. The word ‘used’ scored out here.