Act, 27 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Act allouing Mrs Patersone and Frazer to goe home

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of thar Majesties privie Councell Be Mr Robert Patersone principall of the Marischall Colledge and Mr George Frazer subprincipall of the Kings Colledge Sheuing That wher their Lordships by ane Act of the third of June instant did appoynte the petitioners to attend at Edinburgh till the cause pursued by the Magistrats of Aberdein Against the Masters and students be determined In obedience to which Act The petitioners did according to their deuty attend hitherto not only to the Loss of tyme and money to themselves Especially being about the tyme of the tearme But lykewayes to the prejudice of both Colledges The said Mr Robert Having the sole manadgement of the Marishall Colledge and the said Mr George being procurator of the Kings colledge uithout whom noe money or victuall can be receaved from the vassalls tennents and factors lyable in payment or payed in to the Ministers masters Bursers and servants of the said Colledge wher by the affairs of the said Colledges uill fall to a Confusione Inevitablie except the same be prevented And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships to allow the petitioners to Goe home to their respective charges especially that the tyme of graduatione being att hand And the sole pouer in confering of honours by the fundatione therof Is lodged in the persone of the said Mr Robert as principall And as for the said Mr George besyds what is abovenarrated His name is not soe much as mentioned in the depositiones of the uitnesses adduced by the magistrats of Aberdein and lying in the Clark of Councells hands And as for principall Patersone Ther is nothing deponed against him but by hearsay off which he offers to purge himself by oath if their Lordships think fitt as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them Be the above Mr Robert Patersone and Mr George Frazer They heirby allou the petitioners to returne home to their respective charges In respect they have Granted bond and found Cautione acted in the books of privie Councell That they shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councell when called for under the penaltie of ane thousand merks scotts money In caise they shall transgress In any part of the premisses

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Act allouing Mrs Patersone and Frazer to goe home

Anent the petitione Given In to the Lords of thar Majesties privie Councell Be Mr Robert Patersone principall of the Marischall Colledge and Mr George Frazer subprincipall of the Kings Colledge Sheuing That wher their Lordships by ane Act of the third of June instant did appoynte the petitioners to attend at Edinburgh till the cause pursued by the Magistrats of Aberdein Against the Masters and students be determined In obedience to which Act The petitioners did according to their deuty attend hitherto not only to the Loss of tyme and money to themselves Especially being about the tyme of the tearme But lykewayes to the prejudice of both Colledges The said Mr Robert Having the sole manadgement of the Marishall Colledge and the said Mr George being procurator of the Kings colledge uithout whom noe money or victuall can be receaved from the vassalls tennents and factors lyable in payment or payed in to the Ministers masters Bursers and servants of the said Colledge wher by the affairs of the said Colledges uill fall to a Confusione Inevitablie except the same be prevented And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships to allow the petitioners to Goe home to their respective charges especially that the tyme of graduatione being att hand And the sole pouer in confering of honours by the fundatione therof Is lodged in the persone of the said Mr Robert as principall And as for the said Mr George besyds what is abovenarrated His name is not soe much as mentioned in the depositiones of the uitnesses adduced by the magistrats of Aberdein and lying in the Clark of Councells hands And as for principall Patersone Ther is nothing deponed against him but by hearsay off which he offers to purge himself by oath if their Lordships think fitt as the said petitione bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione Given In to them Be the above Mr Robert Patersone and Mr George Frazer They heirby allou the petitioners to returne home to their respective charges In respect they have Granted bond and found Cautione acted in the books of privie Councell That they shall appear before the saids Lords of privie Councell when called for under the penaltie of ane thousand merks scotts money In caise they shall transgress In any part of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/49, 94.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 94.