Letter: royal, 6 February 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Sixth day of Februarij Jaj vjc and nyntie three years Councill Called Extraordinarie


Letter: royal

Kings Letter declareing Sir Patrick Murray no more Generall receavor nor a Councillour

The Subsequent Letter from the Kings Majestie to the Councill being read wes ordered to be recordede whereof the tenor followes
Sic Suprascribitur William Rex
Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousigne and Councillour Right trustie and Intirely beloved Cousignes and Councillours Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousigne and Councillour Right trustie and well beloved Cousignes and Councillours Right trustie and well beloved Councillours Trustie and well beloved Councillours Wee Greet yow well whereas for severall reasones moveing us wee are resolved to Imploy no Longer Sir Patrick Murray in the quality of Receaver of our Rents These are to signifie to yow our Royall pleasure That yow cause Intimatione to be made to him and to all others concerned That he is no more our Receaver Nor of your Number For doeing whereof This shall be your warrand Given at our court at Kensingtoune the one and thretty day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie and tuo/three and of our reigne the fourth year2 By his majesties Command Sic Subscribitur James Johnstoun.

At Edinburgh, 6 February 1693, council called extraordinary


Letter: royal

The king’s letter declaring Sir Patrick Murray no longer general receiver nor a councillor

The subsequent letter from the king’s majesty to the council, being read, was ordered to be recorded, whereof the tenor follows:
Superscribed: William Rex
Right trusty and right well beloved cousin and councillor, right trusty and entirely beloved cousins and councillors, right trusty and right well beloved cousin and councillor, right trusty and well beloved cousins and councillors, right trusty and well beloved councillors, trusty and well beloved councillors, we greet you well. Whereas for several reasons moving us we are resolved to employ no Longer Sir Patrick Murray in the quality of receiver of our rents, these are to signify to you our royal pleasure that you cause intimation to be made to him and to all others concerned that he is no longer our receiver nor of your number, for doing whereof this shall be your warrant. Given at our court at Kensington, 31 January 1693 and of our reign the fourth year. By his majesty’s command. Subscribed: James Johnstone.

1. PC1/48, 575.

2. The word ‘a’ scored out here.

1. PC1/48, 575.