Warrant, 14 November 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of November Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years



Warrand to The Lord Advocat for prosecuteing Daniall Nicolsone Dr Eliot and Mistress Pringle before the Justiciary Court

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered a paper entitulled a Summe of the Discovery of Daniall Nicolsone Doctor Eliot and Mistress Pringle their contrivance to take away the lives of Mistres Nicolsone and her sister Mistres Hamilton first by poyson and then by forgeing a recept of poysone under their hands, which is to be presented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill in place of the Lords of the Committie their report They heirby Recomend to Sir James Stewart their Majesties advocat to raise and follow furth a Criminall indytment against the said Doctor Eliot before the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary and likewayes a Criminall Lybell against Daniall Nicolsone and Mistress Pringle for adultrey before the saids Lords Commissioners And Recomends to the Earle of Forfar, The Viscount of Tarbat Lord Beilhaven and Mr Francis Montgomrie to Consider the depositione wrytes and Documents and take what farder tryall and probatione they can find in this matter as to the horid Contrivance of this affair and also as to the proces of Forgery And to report to the Councill how farr they think Daniall Nicolsone or Mistres Pringle is guilty of the same and what punishment they deserve, and also what punishment Mr Joseph Clelland and Robert Wishart ther witnesses Doe deserve to the effect they may give order for prosecuteing them before the saids Lords Commissioners or punish them themselves and Declares any thrie of the above Committie to be a quourum And Recomends to the Lord advocat to be present at the Committie

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of November Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years



Warrand to The Lord Advocat for prosecuteing Daniall Nicolsone Dr Eliot and Mistress Pringle before the Justiciary Court

The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered a paper entitulled a Summe of the Discovery of Daniall Nicolsone Doctor Eliot and Mistress Pringle their contrivance to take away the lives of Mistres Nicolsone and her sister Mistres Hamilton first by poyson and then by forgeing a recept of poysone under their hands, which is to be presented to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill in place of the Lords of the Committie their report They heirby Recomend to Sir James Stewart their Majesties advocat to raise and follow furth a Criminall indytment against the said Doctor Eliot before the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary and likewayes a Criminall Lybell against Daniall Nicolsone and Mistress Pringle for adultrey before the saids Lords Commissioners And Recomends to the Earle of Forfar, The Viscount of Tarbat Lord Beilhaven and Mr Francis Montgomrie to Consider the depositione wrytes and Documents and take what farder tryall and probatione they can find in this matter as to the horid Contrivance of this affair and also as to the proces of Forgery And to report to the Councill how farr they think Daniall Nicolsone or Mistres Pringle is guilty of the same and what punishment they deserve, and also what punishment Mr Joseph Clelland and Robert Wishart ther witnesses Doe deserve to the effect they may give order for prosecuteing them before the saids Lords Commissioners or punish them themselves and Declares any thrie of the above Committie to be a quourum And Recomends to the Lord advocat to be present at the Committie

1. NRS, PC2/24, 268r-268v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 268r-268v.