Act, 7 March 1693 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Eodem Die Post meridiem



Act James Jarvie Skipper

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be James Jarvie skiper shewing That quher the petitioner haveing been incarcerat within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh as if he hade been accessorie to or knowen of the takeing his barks Loadning of Coalls to the rebells of the Bass The saids Lords after examineing of him and upon his petition to them for his liberatione In regaird he was and is Innocent altogither of what was laid to his charge were graciously pleased to grant warrand for his liberation and conforme to the saids Lords act he being now at libertie and haveing no way of subsistance wherwith to earne his poor wife and Small familly of Childrein their livelyhood unles the saids Lords would grant order and warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to deliver him back his bark with her saills and haill furnitur and all that was within her any maner of way the time they did seaze upon her And which bark and heall furniture are in the said baillies ther custodie And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords out of their Clemancie and Compassion to grant warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to deliver back to the petitioner his said bark with the baill furniture pertaineing therto and all and everie Comodities and others that was within the said bark her hold Cabinet etc as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above James Jarvie skipper They heirby give order and warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to restore and deliver back to the petitioner his above boat with the furnitur therof And quhat else was therin the tyme that the same was seized upon by them.

Eodem Die Post meridiem



Act James Jarvie Skipper

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be James Jarvie skiper shewing That quher the petitioner haveing been incarcerat within the Tolbooth of Edinburgh as if he hade been accessorie to or knowen of the takeing his barks Loadning of Coalls to the rebells of the Bass The saids Lords after examineing of him and upon his petition to them for his liberatione In regaird he was and is Innocent altogither of what was laid to his charge were graciously pleased to grant warrand for his liberation and conforme to the saids Lords act he being now at libertie and haveing no way of subsistance wherwith to earne his poor wife and Small familly of Childrein their livelyhood unles the saids Lords would grant order and warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to deliver him back his bark with her saills and haill furnitur and all that was within her any maner of way the time they did seaze upon her And which bark and heall furniture are in the said baillies ther custodie And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords out of their Clemancie and Compassion to grant warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to deliver back to the petitioner his said bark with the baill furniture pertaineing therto and all and everie Comodities and others that was within the said bark her hold Cabinet etc as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above James Jarvie skipper They heirby give order and warrand to the baillies of Dumbar to restore and deliver back to the petitioner his above boat with the furnitur therof And quhat else was therin the tyme that the same was seized upon by them.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 193r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 193r.