Edinburgh The Twentie one day of February Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Comittie in the Mutuall processes betwixt Meldrum and Alexander Burnet.
The Lybell at the instance of Alexander Burnet late Chamberland to the Laird of Meldrum against the Laird of Meldrum and others with the Lybell at the Laird of Meldrums instance and others against the said Alexander being this day called in presence of the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill, And the said Alexander Burnet Compeiring personally with Sir Robert Colt Mr Alexander Gordon and Mr John Ord his advocats And the Laird of Meldrum and others defenders in the Lybell at Alexander Burnetts instance Compeiring alsoe personally within Sir James Ogilvie their majesties solicitor, Sir David Thores and Sir James Grant their advocats The Lybell at Burnetts instance against Meldrum and others And the Lybells principall and additionall at Meldrums instance against Burnet and answers hinc inde to the respective Lybells being all read and haveing Considered the saids Lybells and answers The saids Lords of privy Councill Allowes the witnesses cited in both Lybells as Compeired at the barr haveing made faith the saids Lords Nominats and Appoints the Earle of Forfar Lord Cardross and Master off Forbes or any two of them to be a Comittie for examineing the witnesses Reserving all objectiones which may be made against the witnesses to be proponed and Discussed before the Committie And allowes letters of Farder dilligence by Caption to be direct against John Milne younger in Old Meldrum William Jamesone younger, Patrick Strachan ther And Mr John Buchan advocat four of the witnesses cited and not Compeiring in the Lybell at Alexander Burnetts instance Reserving to the Comittie to hear and discuss any objectiones that may be made against the Relevancy of the Lybells or otherwayes and incase of deficultie to report.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 187r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 187r.