Act, 27 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Twentie Seventh day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act The Countes of Lauderdale

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Anna Countes of Lauderdale Shewing That the petitioner be her Contract of mariadge with the Earle of Lauderdale he and his father were oblidged to provyde and secure the petitioner a liferent of Fiftie Chalder of victuall and in the house and lands of Dudhope they did also by a bond of provisione of the same date with the Contract of mariadge, Bind and oblidge themselves that in caice they should succeid to the estate of Lauderdale that they would infeft the petitioner for her lyfrent use in lands paying yearly twelue thousand merks which is declaired therby to be in satisfaction of the provisiones contained in the petitioners Contract or mariadge, And the petitioner brought ane Considerable portion2 with her to the familly which by her Contract of mariadge was assigned to the late Earle Bot So it is that the late Earle, Haveing fallen into deficulty wher out of he could not be extricat unles the petitioner did renunce her right to the hous and land of Dudhop And Therfore for his releiff she did renunce upon promise that her bond of provisione of Twelue Thousand merks should3 instantly4 be made effectuall to her quhich is not done, Notwithstanding that the late Earle and his sone hade ane dispositione to the estate and Dignitie of Lauderdale and that he was actually infeft as air male to the Duke his brother, wherby the qualitie of the petitioners bond of provisione abovewritten Is Sufficiently purged As also the rest of the lands quherin the petitioner ware infeft, were evicted from the late Earle of Lauderdale by a decreet of the Lords of session as not haveing sufficient right to them, And he was Decerned to procure the petitioners renunciatione of her right to them quhich accordingly the petitioner did grant, And seing the Duke of Lauderdales estate is now in the possession of his Creditors, And ane factor appointed by the Lords of Session for that affect And the petitioners husband being absent out of the Kingdome her present Condition is very singular being without aliement and in caice she survive him to be without a Joynture, The bond of provisione not haveing been fulfilled And In regaird ther is a suficent Fond of excressains of the Duke of Lauderdales estate Over and above what will pay the Current annualrents due to the Creditors (besydes what may be expected out of the deceast Earle of Lauderdales proper estate) as many satisfie the petitioners bond of provisione abovementioned for a Joynture incaice it so hapen and in the mean time may be to the subsistance of the petitioner and her familly And Therfore Humbly Craveing The saids Lords would take the petitioners came to their consideration And Therfore to appoint to her such a soume yearly to be payed out of the deceast Duke of Lauderdales estate as is suitable and agreeable to the representation of the petitioners Singular Circumstance abovementioned, And for that effect to grant letters of horning at her instance against the tenants and possessors of the said estate at least against the factor appointed or to be appointed for uplifting of the rents therof For payment of what shall be so ordered by the saids Lords As the petition bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above Countes of Lauderdale and answers made therto be the Creditors and Dutches of Lauderdale They heirby Allow to the petitioner the soume of Two Hundred punds sterling Out of the excrescence of the rents of the estate of Lauderdale after payment of the annualrents to the severall Creditors for this Current year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie And Ordaines the Chamberlands factors and other intromittors with the rents of the said estate To make payment to the said Countes of the said soume of Two Hundred punds Sterling at the terme of Mertimiss nixt after payment of the Current annualrents to the respective Creditors for this year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie, And Ordaines letters on Fiftein dayes to be direct at her instance for that effect and others neidfull.

Edinburgh The Twentie Seventh day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act The Countes of Lauderdale

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Anna Countes of Lauderdale Shewing That the petitioner be her Contract of mariadge with the Earle of Lauderdale he and his father were oblidged to provyde and secure the petitioner a liferent of Fiftie Chalder of victuall and in the house and lands of Dudhope they did also by a bond of provisione of the same date with the Contract of mariadge, Bind and oblidge themselves that in caice they should succeid to the estate of Lauderdale that they would infeft the petitioner for her lyfrent use in lands paying yearly twelue thousand merks which is declaired therby to be in satisfaction of the provisiones contained in the petitioners Contract or mariadge, And the petitioner brought ane Considerable portion2 with her to the familly which by her Contract of mariadge was assigned to the late Earle Bot So it is that the late Earle, Haveing fallen into deficulty wher out of he could not be extricat unles the petitioner did renunce her right to the hous and land of Dudhop And Therfore for his releiff she did renunce upon promise that her bond of provisione of Twelue Thousand merks should3 instantly4 be made effectuall to her quhich is not done, Notwithstanding that the late Earle and his sone hade ane dispositione to the estate and Dignitie of Lauderdale and that he was actually infeft as air male to the Duke his brother, wherby the qualitie of the petitioners bond of provisione abovewritten Is Sufficiently purged As also the rest of the lands quherin the petitioner ware infeft, were evicted from the late Earle of Lauderdale by a decreet of the Lords of session as not haveing sufficient right to them, And he was Decerned to procure the petitioners renunciatione of her right to them quhich accordingly the petitioner did grant, And seing the Duke of Lauderdales estate is now in the possession of his Creditors, And ane factor appointed by the Lords of Session for that affect And the petitioners husband being absent out of the Kingdome her present Condition is very singular being without aliement and in caice she survive him to be without a Joynture, The bond of provisione not haveing been fulfilled And In regaird ther is a suficent Fond of excressains of the Duke of Lauderdales estate Over and above what will pay the Current annualrents due to the Creditors (besydes what may be expected out of the deceast Earle of Lauderdales proper estate) as many satisfie the petitioners bond of provisione abovementioned for a Joynture incaice it so hapen and in the mean time may be to the subsistance of the petitioner and her familly And Therfore Humbly Craveing The saids Lords would take the petitioners came to their consideration And Therfore to appoint to her such a soume yearly to be payed out of the deceast Duke of Lauderdales estate as is suitable and agreeable to the representation of the petitioners Singular Circumstance abovementioned, And for that effect to grant letters of horning at her instance against the tenants and possessors of the said estate at least against the factor appointed or to be appointed for uplifting of the rents therof For payment of what shall be so ordered by the saids Lords As the petition bears. The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above Countes of Lauderdale and answers made therto be the Creditors and Dutches of Lauderdale They heirby Allow to the petitioner the soume of Two Hundred punds sterling Out of the excrescence of the rents of the estate of Lauderdale after payment of the annualrents to the severall Creditors for this Current year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie And Ordaines the Chamberlands factors and other intromittors with the rents of the said estate To make payment to the said Countes of the said soume of Two Hundred punds Sterling at the terme of Mertimiss nixt after payment of the Current annualrents to the respective Creditors for this year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie, And Ordaines letters on Fiftein dayes to be direct at her instance for that effect and others neidfull.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 230v-231r.

2. The letters ‘er’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘never’ scored out here.

4. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 230v-231r.

2. The letters ‘er’ scored out here.

3. The word ‘never’ scored out here.

4. Insertion.