Procedure: letter, 14 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth day off Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years


Procedure: letter

Lord Chancellour to wreitt to the secretary anent the militia and officers thereof and a signet to the Councill

A Letter from the Councill to the King anent the Schem of the militia read votted and approven and appoynted to be recorded And Recomended to the Lord high Chancellour to wreit to the Secretary And to transmitt the Letter to the King with the schem anent the militia And the proclamatione appointing the heretors to be in readiness therein And to acquant the secretary that the Councill desyres the Commissiones for the Colonells and Leivetenent Colonells of the Militia may be sent Imediatly to the Councill to be by them delyvered And Lykewayes that a signet may be sent doune for the Councill office.

At Edinburgh, 14 January 1693


Procedure: letter

The lord chancellor to write to the secretary concerning the militia and officers thereof and a signet to the council

A letter from the council to the king concerning the scheme of the militia read, voted and approved and appointed to be recorded and it is recommended to the lord high chancellor to write to the secretary and to transmit the letter to the king with the scheme for the militia and the proclamation appointing the heritors to be in readiness, and to acquaint the secretary that the council desires the commissions for the colonels and lieutenant colonels of the militia may be sent immediatly to the council to be delivered by them; and similarly that a signet may be sent down for the council office.

1. PC1/48, 551.

1. PC1/48, 551.