Att Edinburgh The Threttienth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Ordor Anent the rebells of the Bass
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Being Informed that ther are severall persones gone Into the Bass since the rebells therin were charged to delyver up the same for their Majesties service and themselves to their Majesties mercy Therfore the saids Lords Doe heirby Give ordor and uarrand to ane Herauld uith his Coat displayed and a trumpeter to Goe to the Bass or as neer as he can safely And in their Majesties names and authority Command and charge the persones presently uithin the said Island to delyver up the Island and themselves in manner forsaid uithin the space of six dayes nixt after they are charged under the paine of High treasone And appoyntes Sir James Ogilvie their Majesties sollicitor to dispatch the Herauld and trumpeter uith famous persones to be uitnesses And cause furnish a boat to them And In case they obey not then to denunce them And therafter that Letters of Intercomuning be direct against them as effeirs And in the mean tyme the saids Lords doe heirby promise a Reuard of Fiftie pounds Sterline to any persone or persones who shall seise upon and delyver to any of their Majesties Judges magistrats or officers of their Majesties forces the persones of Leivt Coll Grhame or Michaell Midletoune Governour of the Bass tuo of the rebels in the said Island And the soume of tuenty pounds Sterline to any persone or persones who shall seise upon and delyver In manner forsaid any of the persones afternamed rebells in the said Island viz James, John and William Midletounes the Governours brothers Duncan Mcqueen Thomas Hepburne John Turin Mr […] Henrisone John Mclean […] Morne the Chirurgeon ane English man […] Nicolsone John Gladestones Gavin Johnstoune Leivt John Hacket seaman tuo Irish seaman another Irish seaman tuo Hoy boyes that belonged to the Earle of Leven Coll Grhams servant three or four more servants and John Mandersone Charles Maitland servant detained against his uill And appoyntes thir presents be printed and published At the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull
1. NRS, PC1/49, 11-12.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 11-12.