Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Warrand for Giving up the bonds of persones fyned upon their taking the oathes
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby Give ordor and uarrand to the Clarks of privie Councell To Give up to the persons particularlie named in the Act of Councell of the date the tuenty second day of Juny Instant who being Called before the Councell and requyred to suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and signe the Assurance Conforme to the Late Act of parliament Refuised to doe the same The bonds Granted be these persones or any of them to the Counsell The saids persones First suearing and signing the oath of alleadgance and subscribing the assurance to their Majesties In presence of tuo of the saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell and any one of their Clarks And upon suearing and signing as said is Gives ordor and uarrand to the magistrats of burghs and Keepers of their tolbooths quher any of the saids persones are Imprisoned to sett them at libertie furth therof And upon taking the said oath and assurance as said is Declars the Bonds granted be the saids persones and their respective Cautioners therin to be from thencefurth voyd and null
1. NRS, PC1/49, 96.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 96.