Procedure: committee formed, 1 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The First day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie anent the inhabitants of the Cannogate.

Petition the Inhabitants of the Cannogate Compleaning of their heavie burden of Souldiers quarters and furnishing lodgings to officers gratis and the expences of the guard and ordinance Chamber Read appoints the Earle of Brodalbine the Viscount of Tarbat Sir John Lauder of Fountonhall and Sir Thomas Liveingstone etc. to be a Comittie for Considering the said petition and instructiones given in therwith and how the petitioners may be eased of the burdens Compleaned of therin And to Report to the Councill And Declares any thrie of the abovenamed persones to be a sufficient quorum and appoints them to meet this day at four in the afternoon

Edinburgh The First day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Comittie anent the inhabitants of the Cannogate.

Petition the Inhabitants of the Cannogate Compleaning of their heavie burden of Souldiers quarters and furnishing lodgings to officers gratis and the expences of the guard and ordinance Chamber Read appoints the Earle of Brodalbine the Viscount of Tarbat Sir John Lauder of Fountonhall and Sir Thomas Liveingstone etc. to be a Comittie for Considering the said petition and instructiones given in therwith and how the petitioners may be eased of the burdens Compleaned of therin And to Report to the Councill And Declares any thrie of the abovenamed persones to be a sufficient quorum and appoints them to meet this day at four in the afternoon

1. NRS, PC2/24, 216v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 216v.