Act, 24 January 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Twentie fourth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Balhousie Against Mr George Young

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Thomas Hay of Balhousie Shewing That Mr George Young late minister of Kirkmaiden haveing upon ane Misrepresentatione obtained a gift from the saids Lords of the vaccand stipend of the kirk of Aberdagie for the haill year Jaj vjc nyntie And quherupon he gave in ane petition to the saids Lords Craveing letters of horning against the petitioner as sole heritor of the parich at which tyme ther being answers given in be the petitioner representing that he was patron of the kirk pro illa vice and hade disposed upon the said vaccand stipend for pious uses within the parish according to the act of Parliament, Wherupon the saids lords were pleased to refuse the letters notwithstanding quherof he hade upon the act of Privy Councill raised letters of horning before the Lords of sessione and caused charge the petitioner for payment of the saids stipend Which procedure being both informall and Illegall and materially unjust And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would call in the saids letters of horning and for that effect grant warrand to macers to Cite the said Mr George Young to produce the Samen and executiones therof and act of Councill Wherupon the samen are founded and to discharge all executione upon the letters or the raiseing of any other till the petitioner be heard before the saids Lords as the petitione bears, The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Thomas Hay of Balhousie They heirby Ordaine the above Mr George Young to deliver and give in to the Clerks of Councill the letters of horning raised at his instance before the Lords of session upon the above act of Councill with the executione upon the saids letters and the raising of any new letters against the petitioner upon the said act Untill the petitioner be heard before the saids Lords And Ordaines letters heiron

Edinburgh Twentie fourth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Balhousie Against Mr George Young

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Thomas Hay of Balhousie Shewing That Mr George Young late minister of Kirkmaiden haveing upon ane Misrepresentatione obtained a gift from the saids Lords of the vaccand stipend of the kirk of Aberdagie for the haill year Jaj vjc nyntie And quherupon he gave in ane petition to the saids Lords Craveing letters of horning against the petitioner as sole heritor of the parich at which tyme ther being answers given in be the petitioner representing that he was patron of the kirk pro illa vice and hade disposed upon the said vaccand stipend for pious uses within the parish according to the act of Parliament, Wherupon the saids lords were pleased to refuse the letters notwithstanding quherof he hade upon the act of Privy Councill raised letters of horning before the Lords of sessione and caused charge the petitioner for payment of the saids stipend Which procedure being both informall and Illegall and materially unjust And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would call in the saids letters of horning and for that effect grant warrand to macers to Cite the said Mr George Young to produce the Samen and executiones therof and act of Councill Wherupon the samen are founded and to discharge all executione upon the letters or the raiseing of any other till the petitioner be heard before the saids Lords as the petitione bears, The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Thomas Hay of Balhousie They heirby Ordaine the above Mr George Young to deliver and give in to the Clerks of Councill the letters of horning raised at his instance before the Lords of session upon the above act of Councill with the executione upon the saids letters and the raising of any new letters against the petitioner upon the said act Untill the petitioner be heard before the saids Lords And Ordaines letters heiron

1. NRS, PC2/24, 164v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 164v.