Edinburgh The Tenth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years
Act The Magistrats of Kirkaldie.
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be the magistrats of Kirkaldie Shewing That the saids Lords by their act of the thretie one of December last Did Command the petitioners and the magistrats of Dyssart and the keepers of their tolbooths To receive into their saids Tolbooths the number of ane Hundreth and fiftein of these recruits to be proportionally divyded in these Tolbooths which are drawen out of Coll Buchans regiement, and are to be delivered to the officers of Coll Mckayes regiment in Flanders, And appointed the magistrats and baillies to keep these recruits within the saids prisones and ordained them and the keepers of their Tolbooths to Sufer the saids recruits to remaine their till furder order of the saids Lords or that the officers who are come from Flanders to whom these recruits are to be delivered should remove them from the saids prisones, And in the mean tyme ordained the petitioners and the magistrates of Dyssart to furnish blanketts to the saids recruites to Lye upon whill they remained in the said Tolbooths, And Ordained the saids officers to whom thes recruites are to be delivered to find suficient Caution to the satisfactione of the petitioners that they should restore and deliver back to the petitioners the blanketts to be furnished to the saids recruites in good case so soon as the recruites should be removed, Or Otherwayes that they should make payment to the petitioners of a rix doller for each pair of the saids blanketts being a double pair, which should not be restored in good case, as the saids Lords act therwith produced would make appear, As to which it was humbly represented to the saids Lords that the wholl burdein of both prisoners and guard of foot and horss is laid upon the petitioners, And the Comanders of these guards does not obey the saids Lords out In so farr as they do not burden the toune of Dysert with the proportionall part of these recruites, so that the petitioners Lyes under the haill burdein;2 Bot besydes that these prisoners are not only furnished with blanketts to the great Disadvantadge of the poor inhabitants of the place, Bot also the troop of Dragoons who guards them has Requyred such of the inhabitants who Labours some few aikers in and about the toune to furnish them with corne and straw which they are not able to doe And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to take the premisses to their Serious Consideration and to ordaine Caution to be found be the officers for the pryce of the Blanketts furnished as aforsaid And also to appoint a localitie for corne and straw to be furnished to the troop of Dragoons dureing their attendance upon the prisoners out the Countrie and land rent of the shyre In Respect the inhabitants are not able to furnish them, And in the mean tyme that their Lordships would be pleased to ordaine the officers of the said troop of Dragoons To make payment to the inhabitants of what corne and straw they have received or shall receive dureing their abode in the said burgh and for what charge both foot and horss shall Contract for meat and drink to the inhabitants with other necessar and extraordinar charge for Coall and Candle, And Sicklyke to Ordaine the officers to burden the toune of Dysart with a proportion of that burdein appointed by the saids Lords act of Councill as the said petitione bears The Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above magistrats of Kirkaldie Read in their presence They Doe heirby Recomend to and Requyre Sir James Lesly Commander in Cheiff for the tyme of their majesties forces of this kingdom To take care that the act of Councill anent the detatchments for recruites of the date the […] day of […] be punctually observed and particularly that securitie be given for blanketts and the prisones be presented as by the said act is appointed And Recommends to Sir James to see that the Dragoons who are guarding the saids recruites be not deficient in paying of their quarters and to cause transport a proportionall part of the recruites in the tolbooth of Kirkaldie to the Tolbooth of Dyssart according as that prison will bear. And to redress the petitioners in all ther Just Complaints against the saids recruits or dragoons appoynted to guard them.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 156r-156v.
2. The word ‘of both prisoners’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 156r-156v.
2. The word ‘of both prisoners’ scored out here.