Edinburgh the Fourth day of August Jaj vjc Nyntie Thrie years
Order and Remitt anent Beggers.
The Lords of their majesties privy Councill doe heirby continue the Comittie anent the Securitie of the peace and publict affairs nominat upon the twentie Eight day of June last untill tuesday the fifth day of september And adds the Lord Ross to the said Committie with power to them as in their first nominatione or referrence and Continues their quorum as in the said nominatione2 And Recomends to the said Comittie to Consider the list of persones given in be the Lord Advocat formerly Remitted to his Lordship and the Lord Justice Clerk with power to the said Comittie or their quorum to give order for liberating such of these prisoners as they shall think fitt upon such termes as they shall appoint And, authorizes the said Comittie or their quorum to Issue furth a proclamatione, or such other orders as they shall think requisit for freeing of theis kingdome of Beggars or puting the former proclamation anent beggers in execution, And appoints the Clerks of Councill to give out extracts of the acts and order of this Comittie.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 240r-240v.
2. The words ‘or referrence’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 240r-240v.
2. The words ‘or referrence’ scored out here.