Att Edinburgh the third day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie years ante meridiem
Act declaring before whome Ministers Licenced or the subscribers of a Call are to take the oaths
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby appoynte the persones who heirafter shall be admitted Ministers or Licenced to preach To suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and signe the assurance Conforme to the Act of parliament before the Magistrat of the bounds wher they live principall or Depute whither shirreffs steuarts Baillies of Bailliaries or Regalities or Magistrats uithin burghs And ordains the saids Magistrats principall or depute to administrat the said oath and assurance to the saids Ministers or preachers Conforme to the tenor of the Act of parliament and the saids persones to report Certificats therof to the presbytrie before their admissione or Licencing And ordaines such as shall subscribe a Call to a Minister take the said oath of alleadgance and assurance before the saids magistrats respective And report Certificats therof To be exhibited at the moderating of the Call
1. NRS, PC1/49, 111.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 111.