Procedure, 27 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Report of the Committie Anent the security of the peace of the natione

The Follouing Report of the Committie underwryten wherof the tenor folloues Edinburgh 26 May 1693 Sederunt Earle of Drumlangrig Earle Argyle Earle Annandale Lord Viscount of Tarbat Viscount Stair Lord Raith Thesaurer depute The Lords Carmichaell Beilhaven Polluarth Lord secretary Lord Advocat Lord Justice Clark Mr Frances Muntgomery and Sir John Maxuell Earle of Drumlangrig Elected preses
It is the opinione of the Committie That it be signifyed by the Counsell to the Commissioners of supply In the shyres follouing viz The shyres of Wigtoune and steuartry of Kirkcudbright the shyre of Lanerk Air Renfrew and Dumbrittaine That they Intimat to the Fencible men uithin the saids shyres aither at the paroch kirks or otherwayes as they shall think meet That the Lords of their Majesties privie Counsell Having had experience in former occasiones of their readiness to appear for defence of Church and state as presently by Law established And having also Good Ground to apprehend that the attempts of enemies from abroad may be to Invade and make a descent on the uest coast Doe therfore allow them to rendivouze themselvs in Companies In one paroch or more as shall be sufficient to putt furth the saids Companies uith the best armes they have And under such Captaines and other Inferior officers that they shall make choyse of And to appoynte dayes and places for their mustering uithin the saids paroches And ther to exercise and traine themselves under their saids officers To the effect they may be in better posture and readines to defend Against any danger that may happen Requyring them only to Give ane accompt to the saids Commissioners respective of the Captains Leivtennants and ensigns that they shall make choyse of And declaring that the forsaids Rendivouzs and musters are only Intended for the end forsaid uithout Ingadging the persones that shall appear therat any farder then they shall willingly offer themselves as said is And the saids Commissioners are to be requyred to send in the names that shall be Given In to them of the saids officers to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell uith their best conveniency And that the saids Commissioners take accompt from them what armes and amunitione they have and make report therof to the Councell To the effect they may be supplyed in what is uanting And appoyntes Letters to be wryten to the Commissioners of supply for that effect The which Report Being this day redd In presence of the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell And they Having Considered the same They approve therof And appoyntes Letters to be wryten to the Commissioners of supply in the saids shyres In the termes of the same And Recommends to the Lord Chancellor to signe the said Letters In name of the Councell

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Report of the Committie Anent the security of the peace of the natione

The Follouing Report of the Committie underwryten wherof the tenor folloues Edinburgh 26 May 1693 Sederunt Earle of Drumlangrig Earle Argyle Earle Annandale Lord Viscount of Tarbat Viscount Stair Lord Raith Thesaurer depute The Lords Carmichaell Beilhaven Polluarth Lord secretary Lord Advocat Lord Justice Clark Mr Frances Muntgomery and Sir John Maxuell Earle of Drumlangrig Elected preses
It is the opinione of the Committie That it be signifyed by the Counsell to the Commissioners of supply In the shyres follouing viz The shyres of Wigtoune and steuartry of Kirkcudbright the shyre of Lanerk Air Renfrew and Dumbrittaine That they Intimat to the Fencible men uithin the saids shyres aither at the paroch kirks or otherwayes as they shall think meet That the Lords of their Majesties privie Counsell Having had experience in former occasiones of their readiness to appear for defence of Church and state as presently by Law established And having also Good Ground to apprehend that the attempts of enemies from abroad may be to Invade and make a descent on the uest coast Doe therfore allow them to rendivouze themselvs in Companies In one paroch or more as shall be sufficient to putt furth the saids Companies uith the best armes they have And under such Captaines and other Inferior officers that they shall make choyse of And to appoynte dayes and places for their mustering uithin the saids paroches And ther to exercise and traine themselves under their saids officers To the effect they may be in better posture and readines to defend Against any danger that may happen Requyring them only to Give ane accompt to the saids Commissioners respective of the Captains Leivtennants and ensigns that they shall make choyse of And declaring that the forsaids Rendivouzs and musters are only Intended for the end forsaid uithout Ingadging the persones that shall appear therat any farder then they shall willingly offer themselves as said is And the saids Commissioners are to be requyred to send in the names that shall be Given In to them of the saids officers to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councell uith their best conveniency And that the saids Commissioners take accompt from them what armes and amunitione they have and make report therof to the Councell To the effect they may be supplyed in what is uanting And appoyntes Letters to be wryten to the Commissioners of supply for that effect The which Report Being this day redd In presence of the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell And they Having Considered the same They approve therof And appoyntes Letters to be wryten to the Commissioners of supply in the saids shyres In the termes of the same And Recommends to the Lord Chancellor to signe the said Letters In name of the Councell

1. NRS, PC1/49, 51-2.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 51-2.