Act, 14 March 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years Ante Meridiem



Act and Remitt William Archibald

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be William Archibald writter in Edinburgh one of the Subb-Collectors of the hearth money Shewing That the petitioner haveing received ane Commissione from James Melvill of Cassingray for Collecting the hearth money within the parochins of Cannongate South and North Leith west kirk parochin and toune of Edinburgh without the walls Did himself and his Servants waged for that effect use dilligence be makeing severall intimationes throughout the haill forsaid bounds both be Drums posting up written and printed proclamationes and Causeing presenters in Churches and meetting houses intimat the giveing in lists and paying the hearth money Conforme to the proclamation emitted for that effect as two severall executiones made in each parish would make appear when called for And therafter when lists ware not brought in as he expected the petitioner be himself and his servants Did survey the haill bounds in the way and maner as is exprest in ane Declaratione or oath subjoyned to the last page of his book of accounts given in be him to the said James Melvill and now in the hands of Sir Thomas Moncreiff Which Declaration and oath the petitioner is willing to swear to and Signe and to produce his Servants also to Depone upon the Same and in order therto the petitioner hath waitted one the said James Melvill severall dayes post who refuised to take the petitioners Oath and give him up his bond and his Cautioners bot threatens him with a charge of horning for preventing quherof and of trouble to the petitioners Cautioners the petitioner hath offered not only to depon upon the said oath subjoyned to his Accompts Bot also to pay in the intire ballance yet in his hands and to depend intirely upon the saids Lords for what expenses he has been at in the said affair likewayes contained in ane particular accompt given in to the said James Melvill extending to Five hundred merks, And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords To cause read in ther presence the forsaid oath And Ordaine the same to be received Seing the petitioner was necessitate to cause Survey the bounds In Respect few lists ware given in to him And so is not in the case of other Collectors or to appoint the petitioner to be heard and examined before any of the Saids Lords number for their Lordships further clearing anent the premises. As the petitione bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Remitt this petition given in to them be the above Mr William Archibald and answers made therto be Cassingray to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thesaurie And Recomends to them to doe therin as they shall think fitt, And anent the Oath formerly appointed to be administrated the sub-Collectors of the Herth money.

Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years Ante Meridiem



Act and Remitt William Archibald

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be William Archibald writter in Edinburgh one of the Subb-Collectors of the hearth money Shewing That the petitioner haveing received ane Commissione from James Melvill of Cassingray for Collecting the hearth money within the parochins of Cannongate South and North Leith west kirk parochin and toune of Edinburgh without the walls Did himself and his Servants waged for that effect use dilligence be makeing severall intimationes throughout the haill forsaid bounds both be Drums posting up written and printed proclamationes and Causeing presenters in Churches and meetting houses intimat the giveing in lists and paying the hearth money Conforme to the proclamation emitted for that effect as two severall executiones made in each parish would make appear when called for And therafter when lists ware not brought in as he expected the petitioner be himself and his servants Did survey the haill bounds in the way and maner as is exprest in ane Declaratione or oath subjoyned to the last page of his book of accounts given in be him to the said James Melvill and now in the hands of Sir Thomas Moncreiff Which Declaration and oath the petitioner is willing to swear to and Signe and to produce his Servants also to Depone upon the Same and in order therto the petitioner hath waitted one the said James Melvill severall dayes post who refuised to take the petitioners Oath and give him up his bond and his Cautioners bot threatens him with a charge of horning for preventing quherof and of trouble to the petitioners Cautioners the petitioner hath offered not only to depon upon the said oath subjoyned to his Accompts Bot also to pay in the intire ballance yet in his hands and to depend intirely upon the saids Lords for what expenses he has been at in the said affair likewayes contained in ane particular accompt given in to the said James Melvill extending to Five hundred merks, And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords To cause read in ther presence the forsaid oath And Ordaine the same to be received Seing the petitioner was necessitate to cause Survey the bounds In Respect few lists ware given in to him And so is not in the case of other Collectors or to appoint the petitioner to be heard and examined before any of the Saids Lords number for their Lordships further clearing anent the premises. As the petitione bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Remitt this petition given in to them be the above Mr William Archibald and answers made therto be Cassingray to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties thesaurie And Recomends to them to doe therin as they shall think fitt, And anent the Oath formerly appointed to be administrated the sub-Collectors of the Herth money.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 197r-197v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 197r-197v.