Procedure: protestation, 14 March 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem


Procedure: protestation

Protestatione Sir William Ker against the above Comissione

Ane protestatione Entered into be Sir William Ker above designed That the forsaid gift being for Mr John Ker only dureing there majestyes pleasure The Same doe not prejudge Sir Williams gift which is during his Lyfetyme which protest being ordered to be recorded The tenor therof followes Sir William Ker Humbly protests That albeit the Comissione granted be there majestyes to his nephew Mr John Ker to be Conjunct director of the Chancellorie with him be only dureing pleasure yet that the same Shall not prejudge Sir Williams former Commissiones which are all dureing his Lyfe And be vertue whereof he possesses And hereupon takes instruments.

Att Edinburgh the Fourteinth of March Jaj vjc nyntie three years Ante Meridiem


Procedure: protestation

Protestatione Sir William Ker against the above Comissione

Ane protestatione Entered into be Sir William Ker above designed That the forsaid gift being for Mr John Ker only dureing there majestyes pleasure The Same doe not prejudge Sir Williams gift which is during his Lyfetyme which protest being ordered to be recorded The tenor therof followes Sir William Ker Humbly protests That albeit the Comissione granted be there majestyes to his nephew Mr John Ker to be Conjunct director of the Chancellorie with him be only dureing pleasure yet that the same Shall not prejudge Sir Williams former Commissiones which are all dureing his Lyfe And be vertue whereof he possesses And hereupon takes instruments.

1. PC1/48, 637.

1. PC1/48, 637.