Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie thrie years
Warrand for getting up a horning against Sir John Maxwell.
The Lords of their majesties privy Councill Doe heirby give order and warrand to George Robertsone keeper of the generall register of hornings and inhibitiones To give up and deliver to Sir John Maxuell of Neither Pollock knight and barronet, The principall letters of horning at the instance of Hew Wallace of Inglistoune late Cashkeeper against the said Sir John raised upon ane Decreet of the privy Councill dated the second day of December Jaj vjc Eightie four years Wherby the said Sir John is Fyned in the soume of Eight Thousand punds starling with the then Church government with the executiones of the said horning for doeing wherof this shall be the said George a sufficient warrand.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 185r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 185r.