Act, 4 August 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fourth day of August Jaj vjc Nyntie Thrie years



Act In favors of the Lady Glascloon

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Issobell Tyrie Lady Glascloon Shewing That quher the petitioner stands infeft in the Lands of Glascloon with the pertinents and accordingly in possession by Mr George Bair of Lethendie his right therof to the petitioner and her deceased husband yett notwithstanding therof the said Mr George did take right to ane adjudicatione from one William Duk of Grange who hade ane adjudicatione of ten Thousand merks or therby upon the saids lands And be vertue therof James Blair now of Lethendie Sone to the said Mr George with his mother Euphan Blair to whom he disponed his rights of the said adjudicatione with the way he made with Mr Nathaniall Fyfe then shireff depute of Pearth obtained a decreet of removeing and ejecting or haveing the last knowledge therof untill they came in a most violent maner and ejected her deceased husband and her and ten Childrein with their wholl familly and seazed ther Chartor Chist and wholl papers throw the want wither of the petitioners know not whither or no the Ten Thousand merks may be payed or any part therof and that ther may be alsoe bonds and other rights therin quhich would clear many defficulties on the said estate And the treuth is that the Opression and violences done most unnaturally by the said Mr George and his Sone against her deceast husband and her being very near relationes are so weell and nottourly knowen tho she neither needed nor could enumerat them haveing utterly (2what by defending his most unjust persuites at Law and puting her from her own joynture hade driven her and her numerous familly to the outmost of extreamities that she could not have bread or subsist with her numerous familly being all of them at the point of Sterving And the petitioner haveing pursued maills and duties against the tenents;3 Lethendie in the tennants names did advocat the same which is Lying at avisandy to the Lords readie to be reported by my Lord Crossrig, as is also Lethendies proces of reduction Improbation and declarator against her as also the petitioner haveing applyed her self in her husbands time to the saids Lords for ane aliment The Lords were graciously pleased by ther decreet in anno 1683 to allow her the house yeards and others to the the4 value of thrie or four hundred merks yearly and that for the space of thrie years therafter for their mantinance till their rights were Discussed, And that conforme therto the petitioner did intromitt And which was all she hade to mantaine her self and familly these ten years except every small matter the Lords of session allowed her not exceiding four hundreth fiftie merks And that their Lordships in the like caces were in use to help poor widdowes and others to ane aliement out of their oun estate the samen being two thousand merks a year And that the haill debt is truely resting will not exceidd ten Thousand merks for payment quherof this Lethendie and his father have hade the said estate since the year Jaj vjc Eightie thrie, and intromitted with the maills and duties therof except what the petitioner has received by vertue of the saids Lords gracious Decreet and from the Lords of Sessione as aforsaid And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in the first place to appoint her ane aliement for her and her ten fatherles Cheldrein for their Subsistance that they starve not, And in the nixt place that she may be repossessed to the said house and yeards of Glascloon with the pleugh of Land Lying contigue therof including the six Cotters Conform to their Lordships former decreet and that untill their severall wryts be determined before the Judge ordinar which is now Lying at avisandum readie to be reported as the petition bears, The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Issobell Tyrie Ladie Glascloon with a Counter petition given in against the Same be Euphan Blair relict of Mr George Blair of Lethentie They allow to the petitioner ane aliement of Thrie hundred merks for this current year And Ordaines the said Euphan Blair to make payment to her of the same at the termes following viz the one half therof betwixt and the first day of october nixt and the other half therof betwixt and the first day of December therafter, And ordaines letters of horning and others needfull to be direct heiron.

Edinburgh the Fourth day of August Jaj vjc Nyntie Thrie years



Act In favors of the Lady Glascloon

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Issobell Tyrie Lady Glascloon Shewing That quher the petitioner stands infeft in the Lands of Glascloon with the pertinents and accordingly in possession by Mr George Bair of Lethendie his right therof to the petitioner and her deceased husband yett notwithstanding therof the said Mr George did take right to ane adjudicatione from one William Duk of Grange who hade ane adjudicatione of ten Thousand merks or therby upon the saids lands And be vertue therof James Blair now of Lethendie Sone to the said Mr George with his mother Euphan Blair to whom he disponed his rights of the said adjudicatione with the way he made with Mr Nathaniall Fyfe then shireff depute of Pearth obtained a decreet of removeing and ejecting or haveing the last knowledge therof untill they came in a most violent maner and ejected her deceased husband and her and ten Childrein with their wholl familly and seazed ther Chartor Chist and wholl papers throw the want wither of the petitioners know not whither or no the Ten Thousand merks may be payed or any part therof and that ther may be alsoe bonds and other rights therin quhich would clear many defficulties on the said estate And the treuth is that the Opression and violences done most unnaturally by the said Mr George and his Sone against her deceast husband and her being very near relationes are so weell and nottourly knowen tho she neither needed nor could enumerat them haveing utterly (2what by defending his most unjust persuites at Law and puting her from her own joynture hade driven her and her numerous familly to the outmost of extreamities that she could not have bread or subsist with her numerous familly being all of them at the point of Sterving And the petitioner haveing pursued maills and duties against the tenents;3 Lethendie in the tennants names did advocat the same which is Lying at avisandy to the Lords readie to be reported by my Lord Crossrig, as is also Lethendies proces of reduction Improbation and declarator against her as also the petitioner haveing applyed her self in her husbands time to the saids Lords for ane aliment The Lords were graciously pleased by ther decreet in anno 1683 to allow her the house yeards and others to the the4 value of thrie or four hundred merks yearly and that for the space of thrie years therafter for their mantinance till their rights were Discussed, And that conforme therto the petitioner did intromitt And which was all she hade to mantaine her self and familly these ten years except every small matter the Lords of session allowed her not exceiding four hundreth fiftie merks And that their Lordships in the like caces were in use to help poor widdowes and others to ane aliement out of their oun estate the samen being two thousand merks a year And that the haill debt is truely resting will not exceidd ten Thousand merks for payment quherof this Lethendie and his father have hade the said estate since the year Jaj vjc Eightie thrie, and intromitted with the maills and duties therof except what the petitioner has received by vertue of the saids Lords gracious Decreet and from the Lords of Sessione as aforsaid And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords in the first place to appoint her ane aliement for her and her ten fatherles Cheldrein for their Subsistance that they starve not, And in the nixt place that she may be repossessed to the said house and yeards of Glascloon with the pleugh of Land Lying contigue therof including the six Cotters Conform to their Lordships former decreet and that untill their severall wryts be determined before the Judge ordinar which is now Lying at avisandum readie to be reported as the petition bears, The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Issobell Tyrie Ladie Glascloon with a Counter petition given in against the Same be Euphan Blair relict of Mr George Blair of Lethentie They allow to the petitioner ane aliement of Thrie hundred merks for this current year And Ordaines the said Euphan Blair to make payment to her of the same at the termes following viz the one half therof betwixt and the first day of october nixt and the other half therof betwixt and the first day of December therafter, And ordaines letters of horning and others needfull to be direct heiron.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 241r-242r.

2. Closing bracket missing.

3. The word ‘of’ scored out here.

4. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 241r-242r.

2. Closing bracket missing.

3. The word ‘of’ scored out here.

4. Sic.