Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth sixth day of May Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
The Seamen to be offered by way of Instrument
The Lord High Commissioner acquanted the Councell That his Grace is Informed that the Commander of the Centurione now lying in the road of Leith and who should have receaved the seamen from this kingdome Hes refused to receave the same And Mr William Erskine who had been ordored by the parliament to Levy the seamen being Called In The Councell ordored him to Carry the seamen he hes in readiness to the Centurione and make offer of them to the Captaine Commander of that shipp By a nottar and take Instruments upon his offer and the ansuer which shall be made thereto and report to the Councell
1. NRS, PC1/49, 43.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 43.