Procedure: committee formed, 21 November 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Twentie one day of November Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie anent Sinclar Against Douglas

The Lybell at the instance of Mr John Sinclar of Balgregie against […] Douglas of Kinglassie and others and the Lybell of reconventione the said […] Douglas against the said Laird2 of Balgregie and others Being both this day called in presence of the Lords of their majesties privy Councill and the pursuars of the principall Lybell Compeiring personally with Mr Hew Dalrymple and Mr James Stewart Junior advocats his procurators and the defenders in the principall Lybell Compeiring also personally with […] their advocats The principall Lybell and answers therto being read and both parties fully heard The defenders and advocats reported the Lybell of reconventione without troubling the Councill to hear the Some read, And the saids Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the principall Lybell and answers and haveing heard both parties advocats fully upon both Lybells and the witnesses cited upon both Lybells haveing all Compeired personally and made faith at the barr The persuers advocats Declared they past from John Hollyday younger of Tilliboill Mr William Abernethie and Androw Wilsone who are cited for defendars and that they would make use of them as witnesses which the Councill allowes And they being also present and haveing made faith at the barr The saids Lords Ordaines the witnesses on both Lybells to be examined and nominats and appoints the Lords Viscount of Tarbet and Lord Enstruther and Sir Robert Sinclar of Stivensone to be a Comittie for examineing of them and Reserves all objectiones which may be made against the witnesses to be proponed and discust before the said Comittie And declairs any two of the Comittie to be a quorum.

Edinburgh the Twentie one day of November Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie anent Sinclar Against Douglas

The Lybell at the instance of Mr John Sinclar of Balgregie against […] Douglas of Kinglassie and others and the Lybell of reconventione the said […] Douglas against the said Laird2 of Balgregie and others Being both this day called in presence of the Lords of their majesties privy Councill and the pursuars of the principall Lybell Compeiring personally with Mr Hew Dalrymple and Mr James Stewart Junior advocats his procurators and the defenders in the principall Lybell Compeiring also personally with […] their advocats The principall Lybell and answers therto being read and both parties fully heard The defenders and advocats reported the Lybell of reconventione without troubling the Councill to hear the Some read, And the saids Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the principall Lybell and answers and haveing heard both parties advocats fully upon both Lybells and the witnesses cited upon both Lybells haveing all Compeired personally and made faith at the barr The persuers advocats Declared they past from John Hollyday younger of Tilliboill Mr William Abernethie and Androw Wilsone who are cited for defendars and that they would make use of them as witnesses which the Councill allowes And they being also present and haveing made faith at the barr The saids Lords Ordaines the witnesses on both Lybells to be examined and nominats and appoints the Lords Viscount of Tarbet and Lord Enstruther and Sir Robert Sinclar of Stivensone to be a Comittie for examineing of them and Reserves all objectiones which may be made against the witnesses to be proponed and discust before the said Comittie And declairs any two of the Comittie to be a quorum.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 271r-271v.

2. The words ‘Kinglassie and others’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 271r-271v.

2. The words ‘Kinglassie and others’ scored out here.