Att Edinburgh the Third day of Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Act and Remitt anent a vessell and passengers come in to Eymouth
The Lord High Chancellour acquanted the Councill that a vessell is seized at Eymouth which wes designeing for the Bass But driven in there by stress of weather And that there wes in that vessell one scotts man and three englishmen And that the scotts man did escape the same night after they came ashoar and the English men next day therefter And that the Bailzie of Eymouth is brought prisoner to the Canongate And that tuo other persones are appoynted to attend the Councill who are suspected to have hade hand In bringing the forsaid vessell to the Bass The Councill appoynted […] Kellie bailzie of Eymouth to be brought up and being brought up Comitted him to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And recomended to the Lord Justice Clerk and Sir John Maxwell of Pollock to examine the Bailizie and the other tuo persones viz Michaell Cockburne [….] and Ninian Broun in Coldstream and report to the Councill.
1. PC1/48, 539.
1. PC1/48, 539.