Att Edinburgh the sixth day of June Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Forfaulture Ensigne Muats Bond
Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby declare the soume of Fiftie pounds sterline of penaltie contained in a bond granted be Ensigne Muat as principall and Mr Patrick Smith advocat and Robert Strachan Induellar in Edinburgh as Cautioners Conjunctly and severally dated the tuenty fourth and tuenty seventh dayes of January Jaj vic nyntie one years For the said Ensigne Muat his peacable behaviour and appearance before the Councell when called for To be Incurred In regaird both principall and Cautioners have faillzied in observing the tenor of the said bond And Have faillzied to Compear albeit they be charged to that effect And therfore they forefault the said penaltie And decernes and ordaines the saids principall and Cautioners Conjunctly and severally as said is To make payment to Sir Thomas Muncreiff of that ilk Collector of their Majesties Croune rents for their Majesties use of the said penaltie of fiftie pounds sterline And ordaines Letters of Horning on six dayes to be direct Against the said Ensigne Muat Mr Patrick Smith and Robert Strachane and other executorialls to be direct on the premisses In forme as effeirs
1. NRS, PC1/49, 74.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 74.