Att Edinburgh The Tuentie first day of november Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie for Mr David Dunmuirs taking the oath of alleadgance and assurance
Anent the petitione Given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Mr David Dunmuir Advocat Sheuing That their Lordships petitioner Having failled to Compear before the Lords of Councell and Session who were ordained to administrat the oath of alleadgance and assurance To Advocats at the precise tyme prefixed be the Act of parliament which was occasioned by the petitioners Having the Gout in his foot five or six months from Edinburgh in the Country as he was not able to putt on aither boot or shoe to Give obedience to the Act of parliament at that tyme And the petitioner Having wryten a Letter of excuse to the Lords of sessione to that effect which was redd and Recorded by the Clark And seing the petitioners absence was not Contumacious nor uillfull And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordshipps to Admitt the petitioner to the priviledge of ane Advocat And to administrat the oath of alleadgance and Act of assurance Conforme to the Act of parliament or Remitt the samen to the Lords of session for that effect as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them Be the above Mr David Dunmuir uith the Report lying in the Clark of Councells hands made by the Lords of sessione of such as took the oath of alleadgance and assurance before them quhich Bears expressly that a Letter was tymeously produced from the petitioner Sheuing his willingnes to Come In but Giving ane account of his Indispositione By reasone of his being tormented uith the Gout which as the Report bears was appoynted to lye in the Clerks hands They Heirby allow the said petitioner yet to suear and signe the said oath of alleadgance and signe the assurance In presence of the Earle of Forfar and the Lord Beilhaven tuo of their oune Number and any one of their Clarks And upon his suearing and signing as said is The saids Lords of privy Councell Doe Heirby admitt the petitioner to his former station of ane Advocat and all the priviledges therof to be Enjoyed and bruicked be him alse fully and freelie as he had done the same In manner and uithin the tyme prescribed by the Act of parliament
1. NRS, PC1/49, 179-80.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 179-80.