Edinburgh the Sixth day Aprill Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years
Act Sinclar of Dunbeath
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be John Sinclar of Dumbeath Shewing That the petitioner not being present at Dumbeath the time of his fathers death his Chartor Chist was by some freinds then present sealled and the keyes put in the Custody of William Sinclar his brother (who as the petitioner is informed) has since broken the sealls and opened the Chartor chist Taken out and Imbazled severall of the writtes To the petitioners great Lesion and prejudice And notwithstanding that the petitioner has necessarie use for severall of the writtes that is in the said Chartor Chist and particularly of ane appryssing led at his fathers instance against the estate belonging to Sinclar of May wherof ther is ane action of severall presently depending yet the said William Refuses to give out the Saids writtes except the petitioner will receive the Chartor Chist in the condition it now is in without inventar haveing abstracted the Inventar made by his father And which was in the Chartor Chist when the same was sealled and the keyes Delivered to him, And Therefore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to nominat any persone they should think fitt to goe to the house of Dunbeath wher the Charter Chist is and to make ane inventar of the wreatts that are now in it, To the effect that the same being Compaired with the inventar which was left in the Chartor chist by their father It might appear what writtes are Imbazled and taken away by the said William and to make inquyrie by whom any of the writtes are abstracted and that the keyes of the Chartor Chist may be delivered to the petitioner that he may have the use of oun writts for the prosecuteing his Just intrest according to Law as the Petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above John Sinclar They heirby give order and warrand to the shirreff depute and the Commissary of Caithnes to goe to the house of Dumbeath wher the above Chartor Chist is, And to take inspection and make inventar of the writtes that are now in it And give out to the petitioner such of these writtes as he shall have use for in any proces at his instance or against him upon the petitioners recept Oblidging him to make them furthcomeing to all persones as accords in law And therafter to cause lock the said Chartor Chist and put their seealls theron and keep the keyes therof in any of their hands to be made furthcomeing as accords of the Law.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 210r-210v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 210r-210v.