Act, 27 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Twentie Seventh day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Anthony Patinson merchant for transporting Persones to the West India plantationes

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Anthony Patisone merchant Shewing That quher he for himself and Suppercargo and doer for other merchants in London the petitioners Co-partimers2 have intentione to take on and Carie away for West India plantations such boyes and others within the kingdome of Scotland as will voluntarly and freely take on with him to goe serve in the saids plantationes And the petitioner not being willing to engadge any for goeing to the saids plantationes without ther Lordships3 allowance first hade and obtained therto And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioner to take on and agree with such boyes or persones as will voluntarly to take upon them to goe for the West India plantations and serve their as others does, And for the petitioners encouradgment to Recomend to the magistrats of such burrowes within this kingdome particularly the magistrats of Aberdein to give the petitioner Such concurrance as law doeth allow, And to Discharge all persones from troubling or molesting the petitioner in takeing away or transporting such boyes or persones as voluntarly shall take on and agree with him for goeing to the said West India plantationes and serve ther, as others in the like caise doe as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Anthony Patersone They heirby Allow the petitioner to take on and agree with such boyes or persones as will voluntarly take upon them to goe for the West India plantationes and serve ther as Others does, And for his encouragment the Saids Ordaines the magistrats of Burrowes within this Kingdome particularly the Magistrats of Aberdeen to give the petitioner such concurrance as law doeth allow, And Discharges all persones from troubling or molesting him in takeing away or transporting such boyes or persones as shall voluntarly take on and agree with him to the said West India plantationes and serve ther as others in the like caice doe, The The4 persones which shall be caried away by the petitioner allwayes giveing their Consent and Declareing their willingness to goe allong with him to these plantationes in presence of any magistrat qualified according to Law And also the petitioner procureing the consent of their parents if they have any before he take any of them on board or carry them allongst with him.

Edinburgh The Twentie Seventh day of June Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years



Act Anthony Patinson merchant for transporting Persones to the West India plantationes

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Anthony Patisone merchant Shewing That quher he for himself and Suppercargo and doer for other merchants in London the petitioners Co-partimers2 have intentione to take on and Carie away for West India plantations such boyes and others within the kingdome of Scotland as will voluntarly and freely take on with him to goe serve in the saids plantationes And the petitioner not being willing to engadge any for goeing to the saids plantationes without ther Lordships3 allowance first hade and obtained therto And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioner to take on and agree with such boyes or persones as will voluntarly to take upon them to goe for the West India plantations and serve their as others does, And for the petitioners encouradgment to Recomend to the magistrats of such burrowes within this kingdome particularly the magistrats of Aberdein to give the petitioner Such concurrance as law doeth allow, And to Discharge all persones from troubling or molesting the petitioner in takeing away or transporting such boyes or persones as voluntarly shall take on and agree with him for goeing to the said West India plantationes and serve ther, as others in the like caise doe as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Anthony Patersone They heirby Allow the petitioner to take on and agree with such boyes or persones as will voluntarly take upon them to goe for the West India plantationes and serve ther as Others does, And for his encouragment the Saids Ordaines the magistrats of Burrowes within this Kingdome particularly the Magistrats of Aberdeen to give the petitioner such concurrance as law doeth allow, And Discharges all persones from troubling or molesting him in takeing away or transporting such boyes or persones as shall voluntarly take on and agree with him to the said West India plantationes and serve ther as others in the like caice doe, The The4 persones which shall be caried away by the petitioner allwayes giveing their Consent and Declareing their willingness to goe allong with him to these plantationes in presence of any magistrat qualified according to Law And also the petitioner procureing the consent of their parents if they have any before he take any of them on board or carry them allongst with him.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 231v-232r.

2. Sic.

3. Insertion.

4. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 231v-232r.

2. Sic.

3. Insertion.

4. Sic.