Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of June Jaj vic nyntie three yeirs
Act The Lord Keith and others who refused the oath of alleadgance and assurance
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Finds That […] Lord Keith The Master of Ballmerinoch Mr Hary Mauld David Lindsay of Edzell The Lord Sinclar […] Ballfour of Farme Sir Patrick Scott of Ancrum […] Mcdugall off Mckerstoune […] Murray of Stenhope Sir William Eliot of Stobbs […] Langlands of that ilk […] Kerr of Gradden […] Grhame of Urchill […] Hadden of Glenegies […] Ramsay off Bamff Peter Hay provost of Perth […] Hamilton of Orbiestoune […] Seatoune of Touch […] Stirline of Carden […] Elphingstoune of Quarrell […] Murray of Pollmaes and William Cochrane younger of Ochiltrie who were cited be vertue of Letters at the Instance of Sir James Steuart their Majesties advocat To Have Compeared before their Lordships and to have suorne and signed the oath of alleadgance and signed the assurance as appoynted by the late Act of parliament And who Compeared accordingly this day And that Sir Robert Greirsone of Lagg Sir Archibald Kennedy of Cullzean James Craufurd elder of Ardmillan Sir Patrick Maxuell of Sprinkell John Harbartsone of Barrachane and Captain John Bell of Dunsystoune who uere under bale to the Councell and cited to Compear before their Lordships And Compeared this day accordingly Having all refuised to suear and signe the said oath of alleadgance and subscribe the said assurance wherunto they uere all requyred except the said Lord Sinclar whose absence The Councell Dispenses uith as to this day Have all and Everie one of them Incurred the Certificatione contained in the said Act of parliament And therfore Fynes them and each one of them In ane years valued rent respective which Fyne or years rent they decerne them and each one of them to pay to Sir Thomas Muncreiff of that ilk Generall Receaver of their Majesties Croune rents betuixt and the first day of Agust nixt to Come under the penaltie of a fyfth part more In case of not payment at the said day And In the mean tyme ordains them and each of them to Find good and sufficient Cautione in the Hands of the Clarks of privie Councell to the effect forsaid betuixt and the first day of Jully nixt And Confynes them to the toune of Edinburgh and a myle about the same untill they find the said Cautione and Give their parroll of honour for that effect And in respect The said Sir Robert Greirsone of Lagg Sir Archibald Kennedy of Cullzean […] Ballfour of Ferme […] Mcdugall of Mckerstoune […] Keir of Gredden and William Hamiltone of Orbiestoune Refuised to Give their parrolls The Councell Committs them prisoners to the tolbooth of 2 the Cannongate wherto they were Instantly sent from the barr under a Guaird Ther to remaine prisoners ay and while they make payment of their saids fynes And In respect the said James Craufurd of Ardmillan Elder Sir Patrick Maxuell of Sprinkell […] Scott of Ancrum […] Stirline of Carden Johns Buchannans Elder and younger of Leny and Captain John Bell of Dunsystoune Did Lykewayes refuise to give their parrolls to the effect forsaids The saids Lords Committs them prisoners to the tolbooth of Edinburgh wherto they uere Instantly sent from the barr under a Guaird ther to remaine prisoners ay and while they make payment of their saids fynes And in respect The said Lord Keith The Master of Ballmerinoch and Mr Hary Mauld did lykewayes refuise to Give their parrolls in the termes of this Interloquitor Therefore the saids Lords doe Heirby Confyne the said Lord Keith to his chamber in the toune of Edinburgh And discharges him to Come furth of the same during the Councells pleasure And In the mean tyme Recommends to the Earle of Kintore to wryte to the Earle of Marischall Anent the said Lord Keith his son And ordaines the Lord Keith to Give bond be him as principall and the Earls of Erroll and Kintore as Cautioners That He shall keep his said Confynment under the penaltie of fyve Hundred pounds sterline And appoyntes the said Master of Ballmerinoch and Mr Hary Mauld to Enter themselves prisoners uithin the Castle of Edinburgh once the morrow For doing wherof they Have Given their parrolls of Honour verballie And Recommends to the Earle of Leven principall Governour And Gives ordor and warrand to the deputy Governour or other Commanding officer for the tyme in the Castle of Edinburgh to receave them therin And detaine them prisoners ther untill they make payment of their saids fynes And in respect The said David Lindsay of Edzell hes offered to Give bond and find Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyes Cautioner therin who being present at the Councell board Engadged to subscribe as Cautioner for him in the termes of the said Interloquitor And that Hadden of Glenegies hes offered to Give bond be him and the Lord Carmichaell as Cautioner And that the said Lord Carmichaell present at the Councell board hes offered to subscribe the said bond as Cautioner in the termes of this Interloquitor And that the said William Cochrane younger of Ochiltrie Hes offered to Give bond and find Sir John Cochrane of Ochiltrie his father as Cautioner for him who did Compear before the Councell and offered to subscribe the said bond in the termes of this Interloquitor Therfore the saids Lairds of Edzell Glenegies and Ochiltrie younger were sent from the barr And in respect the saids Murray of Stenhop Sir William Eliot of Stobbs […] Langlands of that ilk […] Grhame of Urchill […] Ramsay of Bamff Seatoune of Touch […] Elphingstoune of Quarrell […] Murray of Pollmaes Craufurd of Jordanhill and John Harbartsone of Barrachane Did Give their verball parrolls of honor to the Councell in the termes of the above Interloquitor They were also sent from the barr And in respect Peter Hay provost of Perth did Give his verball parroll to the Councell That he should once the morrow give bond And find sufficient Cautione That he shall appear before the Councell on teusday nixt or any day therafter under the penaltie of ane thousand pounds scotts Therfore He uas also sent from the barr And in respect the Councell are Informed that the Lord Sinclar is uilling to appear before their Lordships but that he dare not adventure his persone Ther being diverse Captiones Against him Therfore they heirby Grant personall protectione to the said Lord Sinclar untill the tuenty nynth day of Juny Instant Inclusive And discharges all messengers officers or others to putt to executione any Captiones or Acts of warding Against him during that space Excepting alwayes their Majesties rents and publict dues To the effect He may appear before their Lordships on teusday nixt And because the said years valued rent uill requyre Liquidatione The Lords declares That a Certificat from the Clark or Collector of the shyre quher the saids persones Lands lye subscribed be them and tuo Commissioners of Assessment shall be a sufficient liquidatione And the same being returned to the Clarks of privie Councell The forsaid returne uith the forsaids bonds and this Act shall be a sufficient warrand For directing Letters of Horning and poynding on six dayes and all other executorialls summarly And Requyres their Majesties Sollicitor to take Care The premisses be effectually executed And the saids Lords declares the saids fynes being payed such of the forsaids persones as are under bond to the Councell shall have up their bonds from the Clarks And the bonds shall be ipso facto discharged
1. NRS, PC1/49, 86-9.
2. The word ‘Edinburgh’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 86-9.
2. The word ‘Edinburgh’ scored out here.