Procedure: committee formed, 27 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie Anent prisoners

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby Recommend to the Earle of Drumlangrig The Lord Carmichaell The Lord Justice Clark and the Lord Anstruther To Call for Consider and examine the Caise of such persones prisoners for Cryms publict or privat whose names shall be Given up to them in a List subscribed by their Majesties advocat uith pouer to the said Committie to emitt ordors for setting at Libertie such of these persones and upon such termes as they shall think fitt and in case of difficultie to report And ordaines the Clarks of Councell to extract Acts upon the Committies ordor And appoyntes any three of the said Committie to be a sufficient Quorum

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie Anent prisoners

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby Recommend to the Earle of Drumlangrig The Lord Carmichaell The Lord Justice Clark and the Lord Anstruther To Call for Consider and examine the Caise of such persones prisoners for Cryms publict or privat whose names shall be Given up to them in a List subscribed by their Majesties advocat uith pouer to the said Committie to emitt ordors for setting at Libertie such of these persones and upon such termes as they shall think fitt and in case of difficultie to report And ordaines the Clarks of Councell to extract Acts upon the Committies ordor And appoyntes any three of the said Committie to be a sufficient Quorum

1. NRS, PC1/49, 93.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 93.