Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie years
Proclamatione Anent the new Levys
The Follouing proclamatione Being redd was approven and signed and ordored to be recorded
William and Mary By the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defenders of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councell or messengers at armes our shirreffs in that part Conjunctlly and severally specially Constitut Greeting Forasmuch as by the seventh Act of the fourth session of our Currant parliament The Estates of parliament in further pursuance of their deuty exprest in the Act of parliament Jaj vic and sixtie three Intituled ane Humble tender to his sacred Majestie of the deuty and Loyaltie of his antient kingdome of Scotland Did cheerfully offer to us a present Levie of Tuo Thousand nyne Hundred and seventy nyne foot To be Levied off the severall shires and Burghs of this kingdome effeiring to the proportiones and numbers sett doune in the forsaid Act And to the end the forsaid Levy might be made effectuall we uith advyce and Consent of the Estates of parliament Did ordor and appoynte the shires steuartries and Burghs uithin this kingdome to putt out and delyver (when they showld be therto requyred) to such officers as should be Commissionat by us for that effect The forsaid proportiones and numbers therby appoynted2 to be Levied according to the Numbers formerly observed in the militia and exprest and sett doune particularly in the forsaid seventh Act fourth sessione of this our Currant parliament To be divyded and modelled Into Regiments as ue should think fitt which Levys and proportiones The Commissioners of supply which now are or heirafter shall be in the saids shires and steuartries uith one or tuo magistrats for each royall burgh are by the said Act fully Impoured to make effectuall In manner and by the methods specified in the said seventh Act And ue by a Letter under our royall hand of the date the nynth day of december Currant Having signified to the Lords of our privy Councell our pleasure and purpose to have the Levy of the said tuo thousand nyne Hundreth seventy nyne men made effectuall uith all dilligence And Recommended to their care and prudence the methods of adjusting that whole matter so as should be most for our service and the ease of the Country And to the effect that every shyre steuartry and burgh may have their due proportione of the said Levy of tuo thousand nyne Hundreth seventy nyne men in readines uithin the respective shyres and steuartries as our privy Councell By their after ordors shall appoynte to be delyvered to the severall officers who shall be commissionat by us for that effect who uith the saids Commissioners of supply are to Cognosce and determine upon the sufficiency or Insufficiency of the bodies of men to be Levied and delyvered Therfore we uith advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell perremptarly Requyre and Command all the Commissioners of supply of every shire and steuartrie upon this syde of the water of Tay uith the haill Heretors uithin the saids bounds respective To meet at the respective head burghs of their severall Jurisdictiones upon the second teusday of January nixt And all the Commissioners of supply of every shyre or steuartry upon the other syde of the river of Tay uith the Heretors within the same to meet at the respective head burghs uithin their severall Jurisdictiones upon the third teusday of the said month And ther to proportione and subdivyde the number and quota of men to be Levied out of their said shyre or steuartrie specified in the said seventh Act fourth sessione of this our Currant parliament upon the severall Heretors of the saids shires and steuartries which heretors ue uith advyce forsaid requyre and Command to be in readines to designe Good and sufficient men according to their severall proportiones and numbers of the said quota that shall be Imposed and Laid upon them by the saids Commissioners that they may be ready to delyver their saids proportiones to the officers who shall be Commissionat by us or our privie Councell To be Regimented as ue shall think fitt And that upon Four dayes uarning att such places in the severall shires and steuartries as the Lords of our privie Councell by their after ordors shall appoynte with Certificatione to the saids Commissioners who shall not meet and Heretors who shall faillzie their proportiones They shall be lyable respective and each of them to the penalties contained in the Acts of parliament made anent the Militia Our uill is Hierfore And uee Charge yow strictly and Command That Incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires and steuartries uithin this kingdome And ther In our name and authority by open proclamatione make publications heirof that none may pretend ignorance And ordains these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the tuenty tuo of December and of our Reigne the fifth year 1693 sic subscribitur ut sederunt
1. NRS, PC1/49, 199-201.
2. Interlinear insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 199-201.
2. Interlinear insertion.