Att Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of December Jaj vjc nyntie thrie
Act Burnet of Craigmyll and other Creditors of Drum
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Sir Alexander Burnett of Craigmyll, Mr George Alexander of Pappermylne advocat, Mr James Lessly advocat, Mr William Thomsone writter to the signet William Wilsone writter in Edinburgh, and in name and behalf of the remanent Creditors to the deceast Laird of Drum Contained in the List therwith produced Shewing That quher the petitioners being Creditors to the decast Laird of Drumm did for some time after his decease Recover payment of the annualrents from the factors and administrators of the said estate of Drum Bot lately within these few years not only the petitioners bot most of the Creditors not haveing gott ther annualrents, all of the them were necessitate to lead adjudicationes yet notwithstanding therof They have not been able to recover their annualrents, And the reasones given in by the administrators therfore Is that the publict burdeins ministers stipends and infeftinents upon the said estate and six Thousand merks of annuity modified to be payed to the present Laird, These rents are so farr exhausted That they are not able near to pay the petitioners ther annualrents, The petitioners humbly Crave Libertie to represent primo, That it is most unjust That the Laird of Drum who is the Comon debitor should be suffered to enjoy six thousand merks of Annuity which is better then Eight thousand merks otherwayes pay’d And the petitioners the Lawfull Creditors and ajudges frustrat and postponed from the payment of their principall and annualrents secundo Its certainly not only the petitioners intrest Bot the intrest of all that wish the standing of the honorable family that annualrents be payed least the debts should farder increase and at last consume the wholl fortune which they will infaliblie doe if the Lairds aliement be not modified to such ane Competency as the fortune can bear, And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would take the petitioners ther case to ther Consideratione and either declare the aliement should only be payed Out of what remaines after payment of the annualrents Or else Remitt to the Lords of Session sumarly to Consider the Circumstances of the familly and to modifie and restrict the Lairds aliement as they shall see cause as the petition bears The Lord of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Sir Alexander Burnet, Mr George Alexander Mr James Lessly, Mr William Thomsone and William Wilsone for themselves and in name and behalf of Francis Irvine brother to Lairney Mr Robert Cults in Cullarly William Bissett ther, Alexander Irvine in Glashill Mr Robert Douglas late bishope of Dumblaine, Mr Lues Dunlope minister at Schoone Robert Gordon in Tillilodge, Alexander Lessly in Pitcapable Mr David Lindsay minister of Drunaick William Frazer in Fittie, Mr Robert Irvine of Cults, Mr Robert Irvine minister at Glenbervie Patrick Gordon sometime in Kincragie […] of Artanfoord […] of Learny, Androw Straitton appothecary of Montross Mr Robert Lauder all Creditors to the deceast Laird of Drum, They heirby Remitt to the Lords of Councill and session To Consider the subject matter of the petition as to the aliment therinmentioned, And to modifie and restrict the same as they shall find Just.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 304v-305r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 304v-305r.