Edinburgh the Fourteinth day of February Jaj vjc and nyntie thrie years
Act The Magistrats of Glasgow anent Irregullar mariadges.
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be the magistrates of the toune of Glasgow Shewing That quher ther had hapned of late severall Clandistine and Irregullar mariadges of the said burgh throw persones marieing without consent of Parents or observing the laudable order of this kirk contrary to the act of Parliament Jaj vjc Sixtie one By Which act the prosecutione of the parties contraveeners therof is remitted to his majesties advocat and the procurator for the kirk to pursue the same before the Civill Judge for payment of the penalties therin Ordained, And seing that amongst the paines contained in the said act the Celebrator of such mariadges it to be banished the kingdome never to returne under the paine of death, And that for executeing that part of the Law as also for renderring their Judging in the said matter more effectuall to stay and repress the forsaid Disorders It appeared needfull that they had the saids Lords speciall authority And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords not only to allow them to try and Judge the forsaid Disorders and exact the penalties inflicted by the said act upon the Contraveeners upon the prosecution of such as shall be deputed by the kings advocat for that effect Bot also to authorize them to banish the Celebrator conforme to the appointment of the said act, or at least to make and Detaine him prisoner untill the saids Lords inflict upon him the said paine as the petition bears The Lords of their majesties given in to them be the above magistrats of Glasgow They allow the petitioners to doe and act in this matter according to law.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 185r-185v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 185r-185v.