Att Edinburgh the Tuenty Fourth Day off Januarij Jaj vjc nyntie three years
Commission: by the council
Commission Major Buntine to be Governor of Dumbartoune Castle
Comissione be the King and Queens majesties to Major Buntine to be Governour of the Castle of Dumbartoun and Captain of the Company therein read and appoynted to be recorded And the Major being called in did swear and signe the oath of alleadgeance And signe the assureance appoynted by act of parliament And the Lord Chancellour did administer to him the oath de fideli Followes the tenor of the said Comissione
Sic Suprascribitur William Rex
William and Mary be the Grace of God King and Queen of Scotland England France and Ireland defenders of the Faith To our Trustie and well beloved Major Buntine Greeting whereas wee have thought fitt as a mark of our Royall favour and bountie to yow And in confidence of your fidelity Couradge and good Conduct To bestow upon yow the trust of Governour of our castle of Dumbartoun And the Command of Captain of that our Company of foot in garisone there wee doe therefore by these presents Nominate Constitute and Appoynt yow to be Governour of our said Castle of Dumbartoune and Captain of our said Company of foot In garisone there or Giveing hereby unto yow full power and authority to Command our said castle And to arme traine exercise Lead and conduct our said Company of foot for our service In all things belonging to the trust and Command a forsaid And to enjoy all other priviledges and Emoliments formerly belonging to the Governours of our said castle And wee doe hereby requyre all the officers and souldiers of the said Company to obey yow in all things for our service as there Captaine And yourself Lykewayes Exactly to observe and follow all such orders directiones and Commands as yow shall from tyme to tyme receave from us In persswance of the trust hereby reposed in yow Given under our Royall hand and signet at our Court at Kensingtoune the seventeinth day of Januarij one Thousand six Hundreth nyntie three years and of our reigne the Fourth year By his majesties Comand Sic Subscribitur James Johnstoun
1. PC1/48, 562-3.
1. PC1/48, 562-3.