Act, 28 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie Eight day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Act for Charging the said Earle to Give up the castle of Dunotter

The Lords of their Majesties privie Counsell Considering How necessary it may be for their Majesties service That the House and Castle of Dunnotter be furnished uith a Garrisone both for the peace and securitie of the Country and the safetie of the Earle of Marishalls House and family and for defence of the said Castle Against any attempts may be made upon the same by French privateers or other Enemies to their Majesties and the Government Doe therfore Grant ordor and warrand to raise Letters at the Instance of their Majesties Advocat direct to Heraulds pursevants and messengers at armes for charging the said Earle Marishall or other possessors and Commanders of the said House To delyver up the same to Captaine William Reid or other officers Having ordors from Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this kingdome to receave the same and that uithin tuenty four houres after he beis charged therto under the paine of treasone Conform to the Acts of parliament made theranent

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie Eight day of Juny Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Act for Charging the said Earle to Give up the castle of Dunotter

The Lords of their Majesties privie Counsell Considering How necessary it may be for their Majesties service That the House and Castle of Dunnotter be furnished uith a Garrisone both for the peace and securitie of the Country and the safetie of the Earle of Marishalls House and family and for defence of the said Castle Against any attempts may be made upon the same by French privateers or other Enemies to their Majesties and the Government Doe therfore Grant ordor and warrand to raise Letters at the Instance of their Majesties Advocat direct to Heraulds pursevants and messengers at armes for charging the said Earle Marishall or other possessors and Commanders of the said House To delyver up the same to Captaine William Reid or other officers Having ordors from Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this kingdome to receave the same and that uithin tuenty four houres after he beis charged therto under the paine of treasone Conform to the Acts of parliament made theranent

1. NRS, PC1/49, 97-8.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 97-8.