Procedure, 22 May 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years



Approbatione of Navill Pains transportatione

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby approve of the Lord Advocat his Giving ordor for transporting Hendry Navill Paine from the castle of Stirling to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And Leivt Collonell Areskine Deputie Governour of the said castle his giving obedience to the said ordor In sending the said Navill Paine from the said castle to be transported to Edinburgh and of his transportation accordingly.

Att Edinburgh The Tuentieth second day of May Jaj vic nyntie three years



Approbatione of Navill Pains transportatione

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby approve of the Lord Advocat his Giving ordor for transporting Hendry Navill Paine from the castle of Stirling to the tolbooth of Edinburgh And Leivt Collonell Areskine Deputie Governour of the said castle his giving obedience to the said ordor In sending the said Navill Paine from the said castle to be transported to Edinburgh and of his transportation accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 42.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 42.