Warrant, 28 June 1693 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Warrand for transporting Navill Paine to Dumbartoun castle

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby Recommend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome to Cause Convoy Henry Navill Paine Closs prisoner from the tolbooth of Edinburgh to the Castle of Dumbartoune under a sufficient guaird And ordaines the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of their tolbooth to delyver the said Navill Paine to And the Governour of Dumbartoune castle and In his absence the nixt Commanding officer to Receave him From the said Guaird And appoyntes him to be detained closs prisoner in the said Castle till farder ordor of Councell

Att Edinburgh Eodem die post meridiem



Warrand for transporting Navill Paine to Dumbartoun castle

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Doe Heirby Recommend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces uithin this Kingdome to Cause Convoy Henry Navill Paine Closs prisoner from the tolbooth of Edinburgh to the Castle of Dumbartoune under a sufficient guaird And ordaines the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Keeper of their tolbooth to delyver the said Navill Paine to And the Governour of Dumbartoune castle and In his absence the nixt Commanding officer to Receave him From the said Guaird And appoyntes him to be detained closs prisoner in the said Castle till farder ordor of Councell

1. NRS, PC1/49, 99.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 99.