Edinburgh the Sixth day Aprill Jaj vjc Nyntie thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Comittie Some of the Collodge of Justice to meet with the magistrats of Edinburgh in order to Stenting for the poor
The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a memoriall given in to them be the Magistrats of Edinburgh anent the begers within that city mentioning that the proclamation of Councill anent beggers appoints the half of the Stent for the poor to be Imposed on the heritors the other half on the inhabitants who are not heritors quhich is presumed to be Calculat for Landward paroches wher ordinarly heritors resid But in Edinburgh many of the heritors Live in Countrey places and no doubt contribut to th epoor ther And the wholl burdein of the poor did ever Lye on the Charity of the inhabitants qua totes, And if it were otherwayes it would be very heavie on toune heritors and the warrand to stent or to fine these who refuse or delay to contribut is not so very clear to warrant executione Togither with the report of a Comittie of their oun number to whom it was Remitted to Consider the above memoriall They heirby Nominat and appoint the Lords Newbyth and Fountonhall and Phesdo or any two of them of session And Appoints Sir Robert Colt dean of Faculty to Nominat two advocats and Mr James Elphingstoun and Henry Douglas keepers of the Signet to nominat two writters to the signet to meet with the magistrates of Edinburgh In presence of the Earl of Linlithgow Lord Tarbat Lord Cardross Lord Advocat Lord Justice Clerk and the Laird of Blackbarony and Stivenson the Comittie formerly apointed in this affair or any thrie of them And act therin to concert measures for the Colledge of justice their bearing burdin with the other inhabitants of Edinburgh towards the mantanieing the poor within the toune
1. NRS, PC2/24, 210v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 210v.