Letter: royal, 22 December 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councell to the King anent the Levies

The Following Letter being Redd and approven was Signed and ordored to be recorded quherof the tenor folloues
May It please your sacred Majestie
Ue have Receaved your royall Letter of the date the nynth Instant ordoring the Levying of the tuo thousand nyne hundreth seventy nyne foot offered to your Majesties service by the Late Act of parliament And in obedience therto Have Issued out a proclamatione quherof a dowble is sent to the Secretary Containing the ordors ue Judge necessary for rendering your Majesties pleasure effectuall But Because it occurrs to us That if the Convoys and shipps for transport of the one thousand five hundred men appoynted for Flanders whose officers are not yet arrived shall not be here ready to saile before the men be drauen out They uill hardly be Keeped from runing away unless Committed to prisones which was found a Great Inconveniency upon the drauing out of the last Recruites And that after they are brought togither and drauen out They must be subsisted untill they be putt on board as also it appears to us to be the most expedient way for raising the said Levy That all the men when Levyed be delyvered by the severall shyres to the officers whom your Majestie shall appoynte for the tuo regiments to remaine in this Kingdome To be by them Conducted and marched to such places as your Majesties privie Councell shall name And that ther the draught be made of the Recruites for Flanders Therfore we Humblie Intreat to be Informed as near as possible when the shipps and Convoys for transport may be here and to Have your Majesties Commands in the other poynts above represented which shall be most readily and heartily obeyed as is the bound deuty of May It please your Majestie your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Subscribitur ut sederunt

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie second day of December Jaj vic nyntie thrie years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councell to the King anent the Levies

The Following Letter being Redd and approven was Signed and ordored to be recorded quherof the tenor folloues
May It please your sacred Majestie
Ue have Receaved your royall Letter of the date the nynth Instant ordoring the Levying of the tuo thousand nyne hundreth seventy nyne foot offered to your Majesties service by the Late Act of parliament And in obedience therto Have Issued out a proclamatione quherof a dowble is sent to the Secretary Containing the ordors ue Judge necessary for rendering your Majesties pleasure effectuall But Because it occurrs to us That if the Convoys and shipps for transport of the one thousand five hundred men appoynted for Flanders whose officers are not yet arrived shall not be here ready to saile before the men be drauen out They uill hardly be Keeped from runing away unless Committed to prisones which was found a Great Inconveniency upon the drauing out of the last Recruites And that after they are brought togither and drauen out They must be subsisted untill they be putt on board as also it appears to us to be the most expedient way for raising the said Levy That all the men when Levyed be delyvered by the severall shyres to the officers whom your Majestie shall appoynte for the tuo regiments to remaine in this Kingdome To be by them Conducted and marched to such places as your Majesties privie Councell shall name And that ther the draught be made of the Recruites for Flanders Therfore we Humblie Intreat to be Informed as near as possible when the shipps and Convoys for transport may be here and to Have your Majesties Commands in the other poynts above represented which shall be most readily and heartily obeyed as is the bound deuty of May It please your Majestie your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants Subscribitur ut sederunt

1. NRS, PC1/49, 201-2.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 201-2.