Order, 1 June 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day of June Jaj vic nyntie three years



ordor Anent servants staying in prisones uith their masters or Ladies

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby appoynte and ordaine That whenever any nobleman or Gentleman is Committed prisoner uithin any of their Majesties Castles Forts or garrisones or other prisones Ther shall be alloued to remaine uith them in the saids prisones only the number of servants follouing viz To Each nobleman tuo servants and each Gentleman one servant And if the Ladies of these noblemen and Gentlemen be alloued to remaine in prisone uith them Then Each Lady is but to have one uomane servant to remaine uith her

Att Edinburgh The first day of June Jaj vic nyntie three years



ordor Anent servants staying in prisones uith their masters or Ladies

Their Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of privie Councell Doe Heirby appoynte and ordaine That whenever any nobleman or Gentleman is Committed prisoner uithin any of their Majesties Castles Forts or garrisones or other prisones Ther shall be alloued to remaine uith them in the saids prisones only the number of servants follouing viz To Each nobleman tuo servants and each Gentleman one servant And if the Ladies of these noblemen and Gentlemen be alloued to remaine in prisone uith them Then Each Lady is but to have one uomane servant to remaine uith her

1. NRS, PC1/49, 68.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 68.