Procedure: committee formed, 31 October 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Threttieth first day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie and approbatione Anent Mistress Brysone

The Lord Advocat Having acquanted the Councell That upon Informatione Ther uould Come Letters containing matters of moment Against the Government to the post office direct under a Cover to a Certaine persone ordors was Given to the postmaster to take nottice of the persone who should call for such Letters And accordingly Agnas Scott Relict of […] Brysone merchant in Edinburgh Having Called for such Letters was seazed And being brought before the Lord Advocat and Lord Justice clerk and examined Acknowledges she was not to have delyvered the Letters (quherof some were in Cyphers) to the persones to whom they were directed nor would she have brought them to such as their Lordships But refuised to tell to whom she would have delyvered them Their Lordships did Committ her to prisone wher she having remained severall dayes still refuising they alloued her to be at Liberty upon bale The Councell alloues of what the saids Lords have done in this matter And Recommends to the Lord Viscount Tarbat The Lord Beilhaven and Lord Funtainhall to Call for and examine the saids Mistress Brysone and Endeavour to find out this matter And particularly to whom the showld have been delyvered and how it may be redd And Recommends to the Lord Advocat and Lord Justice Clark to meet uith the forsaid Committee and to Report to the Councell

Att Edinburgh The Threttieth first day of october Jaj vic nyntie three years


Procedure: committee formed

Committie and approbatione Anent Mistress Brysone

The Lord Advocat Having acquanted the Councell That upon Informatione Ther uould Come Letters containing matters of moment Against the Government to the post office direct under a Cover to a Certaine persone ordors was Given to the postmaster to take nottice of the persone who should call for such Letters And accordingly Agnas Scott Relict of […] Brysone merchant in Edinburgh Having Called for such Letters was seazed And being brought before the Lord Advocat and Lord Justice clerk and examined Acknowledges she was not to have delyvered the Letters (quherof some were in Cyphers) to the persones to whom they were directed nor would she have brought them to such as their Lordships But refuised to tell to whom she would have delyvered them Their Lordships did Committ her to prisone wher she having remained severall dayes still refuising they alloued her to be at Liberty upon bale The Councell alloues of what the saids Lords have done in this matter And Recommends to the Lord Viscount Tarbat The Lord Beilhaven and Lord Funtainhall to Call for and examine the saids Mistress Brysone and Endeavour to find out this matter And particularly to whom the showld have been delyvered and how it may be redd And Recommends to the Lord Advocat and Lord Justice Clark to meet uith the forsaid Committee and to Report to the Councell

1. NRS, PC1/49, 160.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 160.