Att Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of December Jaj vjc nyntie thrie
Act Forbes of Brux
Anent a petitione given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Arthur Forbes of Brux Shewing That quher upon the thrid day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie years the petitioners eldest sone Robert Forbes haveing gone to the house of Innercald to gett information of some theives and robbers who hade Committed ane depredatione upon ane part of the petitioners lands bot in his returne to the petitioners house Lauchlan Ranaldach in Carriemylne Donald Ronaldach sone to Lauchlan Ronaldach in Crathiborie, Robert and Allister Mcinveigs in Innercauld sones to Allister Mcinveig their John Ronaldach brother to Lauchlan Ronaldach in Carriemuylne Lauchlan Ronaldach Sone to Robert Ronaldach in Innverchandick John Mcgregor sone to Gregor Mcgregor in Innercauld, James Ewan alias Mcgilvie in Allquaich did Lay themselves in ambush for him and as he past throw ane litle wood they did most barbarously and inhumanely fall upon him2 and murder him, Wherupon the petitioner did cause persew the saids murderers before the baillie of the regalitie of Killdrimie and they not haveing appeared being Conscious of their oun guilt, They were Declared fugatives and since that time the petitioner hath been at vast charges and expences in prosecuteing of them and searching for them at the severall places wher they use to haunt, But all the petitioners endeavors have proven ineffectuall Because those who resettes them Judges themselves in no hazard In Respect that they are not yet intercomuned and letters of fyre and sword direct against them, And seing the petitioner instantly instructs that the saids murderers are Declared fugitives by the Decreet of fugitatione therwith produced and being inconsistant with the Justices of the natione that such barbarous and inhumane assassines should remaine unpunished And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Arthur Forbes with the Lybell and executione therof and Decreet of fugitatione following theron before the baillie of the regalitie of Killrimie mentioned therin and produced with the said petitione They heirby give order and warrand to the Clerks of privy Councill to give out letters of intercomuneing against the haill persones therin named And the letters of intercomuneing being execute Gives Warrand and order to Androw Frazer of Killmundie shireff depute of Aberdeen and to the baillie deputs of the regalitie of Killdrimie to doe their outmost dilligence in searching for and apprehending of the saids persones that they may be brought to Justice And Recomends to Sir Thomas Livingstone Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces within this kingdome to give orders to their majesties forces nixt adjacent to the forsaids bounds to be concurring and assisting to the said shirreff and baillie deputs in searching for and apprehending of the saids rebells.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 305v-306r.
2. The word ‘where’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 305v-306r.
2. The word ‘where’ scored out here.