Warrant, 25 August 1693, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1693, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie fifth day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Warrand The Lord Advocat to pursue Calder and Kid

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell In obedience to and prosecutione of their Majesties Letter direct to them of the date the third day of Agust Instant Doe Heirby Give ordor and uarrand to Sir James Steuart their Majesties Advocat to Intent and prosecute ane Indictment of treasone before the Lords Justice Generall and Justice Clark and the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary Against Mr Robert Calder Minister and […] Kidd apprehended at Utricht when he shall be receaved into custody here sic subscribitur Tueeddale Cancel: Drumlangrig Southerland Annandale Forfar Tarbat Strathnaver W Anstruther To: Livingstoune

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie fifth day of Agust Jaj vic nyntie thrie years



Warrand The Lord Advocat to pursue Calder and Kid

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell In obedience to and prosecutione of their Majesties Letter direct to them of the date the third day of Agust Instant Doe Heirby Give ordor and uarrand to Sir James Steuart their Majesties Advocat to Intent and prosecute ane Indictment of treasone before the Lords Justice Generall and Justice Clark and the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary Against Mr Robert Calder Minister and […] Kidd apprehended at Utricht when he shall be receaved into custody here sic subscribitur Tueeddale Cancel: Drumlangrig Southerland Annandale Forfar Tarbat Strathnaver W Anstruther To: Livingstoune

1. NRS, PC1/49, 118.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 118.